NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  session_control, Characteristics
 o  address update interval

    Default: 10            Values: 1-4294967296

    Specifies the minimum time (in seconds) allowed between updates
    of address information. More frequent modification to the set of
    local towers is prohibited.

 o  backtranslation search path

    Default: None	Values: Search-path-information

    Describes the order in which name services will be searched for
    address-to-node-name translation requests (when more than one
    name service is in use on a node) and any associated naming
    templates for each directory service.

 o  decnet-internet gateway enabled (Tru64 UNIX)

    Default: False         Value: True or false

    If true, the DECnet-Internet Gateway is enabled.

 o  decnet-internet gateway user (Tru64 UNIX)

    Name of a user under whose account to run gateway applications.

 o  incoming proxy

    Default: True          Value: True or false

    Specifies whether to honor incoming proxy requests. If this
    attribute is set to false, requests to invoke proxies on incoming
    requests are ignored.

 o  incoming timer

    Default: 45            Values: 0-65535

    Time (in seconds) to wait for a user module to issue an
    accept/reject call after a port enters a state indicating that
    a connection request was received. If the timer expires, Session
    Control aborts the transport connection with a timed out error.
    For OpenVMS, a zero (0) value directs Session Control to wait
    indefinitely without aborting the connection.

 o  maintain backward soft links

    Default: True         Value: True or false

    Specifies whether Session Control should attempt to update
    the backward translation soft links in the DECdns namespace
    when it detects an address change.  In other words, when
    session control maintain backward soft links is true,
    session control will automatically attempt to ensure that
    the backtranslation softlinks in the DECdns namespace are
    consistent with those in the session control database on the
    local node.

    If this attribute is set to false, Session Control will not
    add any new backward translation soft links to the DECdns
    namespace, nor will it delete any that previously exist, in
    response to an address change.

 o  modify acs

    Default: True          Value: True or false

    Specifies whether Session Control should attempt to update the
    ACS (access control set) of the node object whenever it attempts
    to update the towers attribute for the node in the namespace.

 o  naming cache checkpoint interval (OpenVMS)

    Default: 8 		  Value: Time

    Amount of time, in hours, between times when the address and
    node-name information is checkpointed to disk from the in-memory,
    local naming cache.

 o  naming cache entry (OpenVMS)

    Default: None	   Value: Name

    Address and node-name information for a node that has been
    retrieved from a name service and is currently stored in the
    in-memory, local naming cache.

 o  naming cache timeout (OpenVMS)

    Default: 7 		Value: Time

    Amount of time, in days, after which the address and node-name
    information for a node is deleted from the in-memory, local
    naming cache.

 o  naming search path

    Default: None	Value: Search-path-information

    Describes the order in which name services will be searched for
    node-name-to-address translation requests (when more than one
    name service is in use on a node), and any associated naming
    templates for each name service.

    DNS Server nodes are required to specify DECdns as the first
    name service in this naming search path only when the server is
    initially configured.

 o  node synonym directory (Tru64 UNIX)

    Default: .DNA_NodeSynonym         Value: Full-name

    Full name of a DECdns directory that contains node synonyms.

 o  non privileged user (OpenVMS)

    Specifies the Session Control on a non-privileged user account.

 o  outgoing proxy

    Default: True          Value: True or false

    Specifies whether to invoke a proxy on outgoing connection
    requests when the user does not explicitly specify to do so.
    If this attribute is set to false, no proxy is invoked.

 o  outgoing timer

    Default: 60            Values: 0-65535

    Time (in seconds) to wait for an outgoing transport connection
    to be accepted before Session Control aborts the connection with
    a timed out error. For OpenVMS, a zero (0) value directs Session
    Control to wait indefinitely without aborting the connection.

 o  soft link timer (Tru64 UNIX)

    Default: 30 days       Value: Binary relative time

    Interval of time (in days) DECdns checks that an object pointed
    to by a backward translation soft link still exists.

 o  update retry interval

    Default: 60            Values: 1-4294967296

    Time to wait before Session Control retries a failed attempt to
    update information in the namespace. The default is 60 minutes.

 o  transport precedence

    Default: osi         Values: Set of osi or nsp

    Note: On the DECnet/OSI for Digital UNIX V1.0
          products the default was tp4 rather than osi.

    This command sets the order in which transports are selected when
    establishing a connection. The default order is to try OSI, then
    NSP. The command takes a set as input. Valid items in the set are

 o  version

    Default: Current version number

    Session control protocol version number. You cannot modify this
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