NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  osak  application  Counters
 o  creation time

    The time at which the application is created.

 o  invalid mode failure

    The number of times that an inbound connection request is
    rejected because of a mismatch of modes. This counter is
    incremented each time an invalid mode event occurs.

    The possible modes are normal and X.410-1984. An application is
    running in normal mode if it uses the upper layers of the OSI
    stack. An application is running in X.410-1984 mode if it does not
    use the upper layers of the OSI stack.

 o  resource failures

    The number of times that an inbound connection request was
    rejected due to insufficient system resources.

 o  total invocations

    The number of times this application has been invoked.
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