NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  llc2  sap  link  Status
 o  protocol state

    Specifies the state of the llc2 protocol with respect to the
    remote station.

    error         The protocol is in a recognized error state.

    halted        The protocol has halted.

    initializing  The protocol is being initialized.

    inoperative   The protocol cannot be started because the LAN
                  station cannot provide a connection to a remote

    resetting     The protocol is being reset.

    running       The protocol is running normally.

 o  remote llc class

    Specifies the class of the remote llc.

    1         Class 1 llc. Only type 1 operation is supported.

    2         Class 2 llc. Both type 1 and type 2 operation are

    unknown   The class has not yet been established. The class is
              not established until xid frames have been exchanged
              between the local and remote llc implementations.

 o  remote receive window size

    Specifies the window size used by the remote station for receiving
    frames. The local station uses this value as its window for
    transmitting frames.

 o  state

    Specifies the state of the llc2 link entity.

    off   The link is disabled.

    on    The link is enabled.

 o  uid

    Specifies the entity's unique identifier that is generated when
    the entity is created.
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