NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  ddcmp (OpenVMS VAX), link  Counters
 o  creation time

    Time at which this entity was created.

 o  naks received indicating message header format error

    Number of NAK messages received that report errors in message
    headers sent from the local station.

 o  naks received indicating receive overrun

    Number of NAK messages received that report a receive overrun at
    the remote station.

 o  pdus received with message header format error

    Number of times the local station detected an error in a message

 o  receive overruns

    Number of times the local station detected a receive overrun.

 o  selection address errors

    Number of times that the controller of a multipoint link
    received a message with an address other than that of the
    currently selected station. This counter is supported only if
    the characteristic protocol is set to control.

 o  streaming tributaries

    Number of times that the remote station (or a tributary station)
    exceeded the maximum transmission interval without releasing
    the line, or failed to release the line after sending a message
    with the select flag set. This counter is present only on half-
    duplex, point-to-point links, or when the local station is a
    controller of a multipoint link. This counter is not supported if
    the protocol characteristic is set to tributary.

 o  transmit underruns

    Number of times the local station detected a transmit underrun.
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