NCLHELP.HLB  —  set  xot (OpenVMS Alpha), sap  link
    set  [node node-id] xot sap sap-name link link-name...

    Modifies the attributes of a XOT SAP LINK entity, which
    represents a remote system with which XOT is allowed to
    communicate.  In the case of an inbound XOT connection,
    there must be a LINK entity with a matching remote IP address
    and a remote port number in order for XOT to accept the
    TCP/IP connection.  In the case of an outbound connection,
    the LINK entity specifies the remote IP address and remote
    port number of the system with which to attempt the TCP/IP

    The sap-name and link-name are simple names which uniquely
    identify particular SAP and LINK instances.   The modifiable
    attributes of a XOT SAP LINK entity are (with data types in

    remote IP address [ip-address]
    remote RFC1613 port number [integer]


    set xot sap sap-0 link link-0 -
      remote ip address

    set xot sap sap-0 link link-0 -
      remote rfc1613 port number 1998
Additional Information: explode extract

remote_ip_address remote_rfc1613_port_number
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