NCLHELP.HLB  —  set  session_control, backtranslation_search_path
    Default: {}              Value: Ordered list of directory, template

    An ordered list used by the common directory interface to determine
    the order of the naming services used for lookup in
    address-to-nodename translation.

    On OpenVMS the recommended method of modifying this attribute is to
    run NET$CONFIGURE and use Option 2.  The result of the configuration
    is saved in the SYS$MANAGER:NET$SEARCHPATH_STARTUP.NCL script so the
    session control backtranslation search path attribute will be re-set
    on startup.  However, if a NET$SEARCHPATH_LOCAL.NCL script is found
    during startup, that local procedure will be executed in lieu of


    set node 0 session control back search path -
         ([directory service = local, template = ""], -
         [directory service = domain, template = ""])
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