NCLHELP.HLB  —  SNA Peer Server Module, SNA LU Services, show  Characteristics
   Version                         Displays the version number of the
                                   SNA LU Services module.

   PU Type         independent     Displays the type of physical unit on
                                   which SNA LU Services operates. The
                                   type defines the services and its

   Default         Simplename      Displays the Transmission Group that
   Transmission                    should be used when processing
   Group                           a Primary LU connection if the
                                   Partner LU entity associated with the
                                   connection has no Transmission
                                   Group defined. This allows Partner
                                   LU entities to name the remote
                                   network ID and the LU name for the
                                   remote LU but does not require that
                                   the Transmission Group be named.
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