NCLHELP.HLB  —  SNA Peer Server Module, SNA CP Services, show  Counters
   Successful TG         Displays the total number of successfully
   Activations           completed Transmission Group activation

   TG Activation         Displays the total number of Transmission
   Failures              Group activations procedures that have failed
                         to complete due to an XID exchange error.

   TG Deactivations      Displays the total number of times
                         Transmission Groups have been deactivated.

   TG Connections        Displays the total number of times a
   Lost                  Connection Lost event has been generated.

   COLD ACTPUs           Displays the total number of COLD ACTPUs
   Received              received.

   ERP ACTPUs            Displays the total number of ERP ACTPUs
   Received              received.

   ACTPUs Rejected       Displays the total number of negative responses
                         sent to ACTPU requests.

   DACTPUs               Displays the total number of DACTPUs received.

   Protocol              Displays the total number of SNA protocol
   Violations            violations detected by the Peer Server.

   Resource              Displays the number of resource allocation
   Allocation            failures (for example, insufficient memory).

   Creation Time         Displays the time that the SNA CP Services
                         entity was created.
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