NCLHELP.HLB  —  SNA Peer Server Module, SNA CP Services, create  Characteristics
   Network ID      Simplename      Specifies the network id of the
                                   T2.1 node. The required name must
                                   conform to SNA naming conventions.
                                   You should consult with the SNA
                                   administrator about this name.

   CP Name         Simplename      Specifies the network name of the
                                   CP. The required name must
                                   conform to SNA naming conventions.
                                   You  should consult with the SNA
                                   administrator about this name.

   Maximum         (1-2048)        Specifies the maximum number of
   Active TGs                      Transmission Groups that can be
                                   concurrently active. This optional
                                   value can be set at any time. The
                                   default value is 4.
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