NCLHELP.HLB  —  SNA Peer Server Module, SDLC  Port Subentity, show  Counters
   Creation        Displays the time that the SDLC Port subentity
   Time            was created.

   Polls           Displays the number of frames sent by the primary or
                   received by the secondary with the P-bit set.

   Octets Sent     Displays the total number of octets sent in I-frames
                   and UI-frames.

   Octets          Displays the total number of octets received
   Received        in I-frames and UI-frames.

   BLUs Sent       Displays the total number of I-frames and
                   UI-frames sent.

   BLUs            Displays the total number of I-frames and UI-frames
   Received        received.

   BLUs Resent     Displays the total number of I-frames and UI-frames
                   retransmitted due to timeouts or rejects.
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