NCLHELP.HLB  —  Please Read Me, Overview of NCL Help
   Besides listing all the NCL command and control verbs, the top level
   of NCL help includes the following topics:

   NCL_Introduction -   Describes the syntax and usage of the Network
                        Control Language.  Subtopics provide help on:

                        o  Invoking NCL
                        o  Creating NCL log files
                        o  Commonly used NCL commands (create/delete,
                           enable/disable, set/show, and add/remove)
                        o  Abbreviating NCL commands
                        o  NCL Syntax, with explanations of valid data
                           types, verbs, entity names, attributes,
                           required and optional command arguments,
                           and node-id specification.  Also describes
                           the usage of prepositional phrases and
                        o  Recalling previously entered NCL commands
                        o  Interpreting NCL command output
                        o  Specifying access control for a single NCL
                        o  Setting default entity and access control
                           context to be used for a series of NCL
                        o  Using snapshot commands to monitor counters
                        o  Methods of customizing the NCL environment

   Entity_Hierarchy -   Describes most network components manageable
                        using NCL.  Includes diagrams showing each
                        entity's location within the management

   Network_Management - Describes network management concepts and tools.
                        Subtopics include:

                        o  Access control methods and policies
                        o  Management of naming services
                        o  Managing remote Phase IV and Phase V nodes
                        o  Logical names (OpenVMS)
                        o  Startup NCL Scripts (OpenVMS)
                        o  Shutting down and restarting DECnet (OpenVMS)
                        o  Managing MOP (OpenVMS)
                        o  Managing the Event Dispatcher (OpenVMS)
                        o  Running Over TCP/IP
                        o  The Tools subtopic includes descriptions of:

                           -  the Console Carrier
                           -  Network Management GUI
                           -  Decnet_migrate
                           -  Decnet_register
                           -  Configuration Monitor
                           -  NCP Emulator (OpenVMS)
                           -  DNS$Control (OpenVMS)
                           -  NET$Configure (OpenVMS)

   Event_Messages -     Details possible event messages for each entity.

   Directory_Module -   Describes the X.500 Directory Service
                        module and NCL commands to manage the Directory
                        System Agent (DSA) and its subentities.

   SNA_Peer_            Describes the SNA Peer Server Module and
    Server_Module -     applicable NCL commands.
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