NCLHELP.HLB  —  Network Management, Tools  Decnet Register
    With decnet_register, you can manage the node names and addressing
    information in both the Local namespace and the DECdns namespace,
    using either the command-line or forms-driven version of the tool.

    On OpenVMS, invoke decnet_register as follows.  By default,
    decnet_register starts in forms mode from a video terminal and in
    command mode from a hardcopy terminal.

    $ run sys$system:decnet_register

    You can define the following logical before invoking
    decnet_register if you want to force command mode:

    $ define decnet_register_commands 1

    Some examples using the command line interface are provided here.
    To obtain further help regarding the decnet_register utility, either
    invoke the utility and enter "?" at the Option prompt, or refer to
    the DECnet-Plus Network Management book.
Additional Information: explode extract
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