NCLHELP.HLB  —  Network Management, Remote Node Management, Phase V Nodes
    To issue NCL commands to remote Phase V nodes, simply include
    the remote nodename or address in the ncl command.  Normally,
    any access beyond an ncl "show" will require that some type of
    access control information is provided.  For information about how
    access control is handled on a remote node, refer to HELP

    To perform a series of ncl commands on a remote Phase V node, you
    may find it convenient to set up default entity and access control
    information within ncl using SET NCL DEFAULT commands.  For
    information on how to modify this default NCL context, refer to

    To specify access control information to be used for a single NCL
    command on the remote Phase V node, use either the "by" preposition
    or an access control string.  See HELP NCL SPECIFYING_ACCESS_CONTROL
    for more information.
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