NCLHELP.HLB  —  Event Messages, routing  circuit
 o  adjacency state change

    Support: All

    Generated when the status attribute state of a routing circuit
    adjacency entity belonging to the circuit changes from up to
    down, or vice versa. For the purposes of this event, the state
    up/dormant is considered to be the same as up, and the state
    initializing is considered to be the same as down. For end nodes,
    this event is generated for point-to-point links only.


    adjacency   The name of the adjacency to which the event refers.

    adjacent    Node IDs of the adjacent node.

    new         Current state of the adjacency.
    state       down         Adjacency state is now down.
                up           Adjacency state is now up.

    reason      Reason why the adjacency state changed to down.

                address out  The adjacency address is invalid.
                of range

                configura-   The adjacency has been incorrectly
                tion fault   configured.

                exceeded     The value of the characteristic maximum
                maximum      call attempts has been exceeded.

                area         The adjacent node's area address is
                mismatch     incorrect.

                call         An X.25 call to the adjacent node
                rejected     failed.

                checksum     A PDU's checksum was invalid.

                circuit      The circuit has been disabled by network
                disabled     management.

                datalink     Exceeded maximum call attempts;
                failure      configuration fault.

                holding      No Hello traffic has been received
                timer        during the period of the Hello timer.

                maximum      There are more adjacent nodes than can
                broadcast    be supported on a LAN.
                end nodes

                maximum      There are more adjacent nodes than can
                broadcast    be supported on a LAN.

                neighbor     The address(es) in the hello has/have
                node         changed.

                one way      The connectivity between two LAN
                connectiv-   routers appears to permit traffic in
                ity          one direction only.

                reserve      This may occur temporarily during a
                timer        change of designated router. Repeated
                expired      occurrences indicate a configuration or
                             hardware error.

                version      The adjacent node is the wrong version.

                wrong node   The adjacent routing node is of the
                type         wrong type.

 o  authentication failure

    Support: L1,L2,IP

    Generated when a PDU is received that contains an Authentication
    Information field that is incompatible with the PDU type.


    adjacent        Node ID of the adjacent node.

    authentication  Authentication level of the PDU: area, circuit,
    level           domain.

    pdu type        Type of the PDU.

                    L1 LSP       L2 PSNP
                    L1 CSNP      LAN L1 Hello
                    L1 PSNP      LAN L2 Hello
                    L2 LSP       PtPt Hello
                    L2 CSNP

 o  circuit change

    Support: All

    Generated when the status attribute state of the circuit changes
    from off to on, or vice versa.


    disable     The reason that the circuit status changed from on to
    reason      off. If the disable occurred because of a management
                circuit disable action, the reason is a Management
                Action (1). If the disable occurs for any other
                reason, it is a Protocol Action (0).
    new         Current state of the circuit.
                off          Circuit state is now off.
                on           Circuit state is now on.

 o  corrupted hello pdus received

    Support: All

    Generated when an ES-IS (end system to intermediate system) or
    IS-IS (intermediate system to intermediate system) Hello PDU is
    received that either cannot be parsed or contains an incorrect

 o  corrupted lsp received

    Support: L1,L2

    Generated when a corrupted link-state packet is received.


    adjacent    Node IDs of adjacent nodes.

 o  corrupted phaseiv routing packet received

    Support: L1,L2

    Generated when a corrupted Phase IV routing packet is received.


    phase iv    Phase IV ID of the Phase IV routing message that
    id          caused the event to be generated.

 o  da adjacency change

    Support: All

    Generated when the state of a DA adjacency on the circuit changes
    from up to down or from down to up. For these purposes, the
    states up and up/dormant are considered up and any other state is
    considered down. This attribute is supported only if the circuit
    type is x25 da.


    adjacency   Name of the adjacency to which the event refers.

    new         Current state of the adjacency.
    state       down         Adjacency state is now down.
                up           Adjacency state is now up.

    reason      Reason why the adjacency state changed to down.

 o  exceeded maximum svc adjacencies

    Support: End,L2 (DA
    circuits only)

    Generated when there is no free adjacency on which to establish
    an SVC for a new destination.

 o  id reachability change

    Support: All

    Generated when an ID is added to or removed from the endnodeID
    status of an adjacency on this circuit. For end nodes this event
    is generated for point-to-point links only.


    adjacency   Name of the adjacency to which the event refers.

    adjacent    Node IDs of the adjacent node.

    reason      Reason why the adjacency state changed to down.

 o  initialization failure

    Support: All

    Generated when an attempt to initialize with an adjacent node
    fails, either because of version skew or area mismatch.


    adjacent    Node IDs of adjacent nodes.

    reason      Reason why the event was generated. See possible
                reasons described under the adjacency state change

 o  ip adjacency state change

    Support: IP

    Generated when the status attribute state of a routing circuit
    ip adjacency entity belonging to this circuit changes from up (or
    up/dormant) to some other value, or the reverse.


    neighbor    IP address of the neighbor.
    IP address

    new IP      New state of the IP adjacency.
    state       up           Either up or up/dormant
                down         Any other state

    reason      Reason for the state change.

 o  ip fragmentation failure

    Support: IP

    Generated when an IP packet that requires fragmentation in
    order to be transmitted has an IP header that requests "do not


    destination Destination IP address of the IP packet.
    IP address

    source IP   Source IP address of the IP packet.

 o  irrecoverable svc failure

    Support: All

    Generated when recall count becomes equal to maximum call
    attempts. This attribute is supported only if the circuit type
    is x25 static outgoing.

    reason      Reason why the adjacency state changed to down.

 o  LAN L1 designated router change

    Support: L1,L2

    Generated when the local node either elects itself or resigns as
    the LAN level 1 designated router on this circuit.


    designated  New state of the designated router.
    change      elected      Router state is now elected.

                resigned     Router state is now resigned.

 o  LAN L2 designated router change

    Support: L2

    Generated when the local node either elects itself or resigns as
    the LAN level 2 designated router on this circuit.


    designated  New state of the designated router.
    change      elected      Router state is now elected.

                resigned     Router state is now resigned.

 o  LAN phaseiv designated router change

    Support: L1,L2

    Generated when the local node either elects itself or resigns as
    the LAN Phase IV designated router on this circuit.


    designated  New state of the designated router.
    change      elected      Router state is now elected.

                resigned     Router state is now resigned.

 o  redirect discard

    Support: End

    Generated when a Redirect packet is discarded because of
    insufficient cache space.

 o  rejected adjacency

    Support: All

    Generated when an attempt to create a new adjacency fails because
    of insufficient resources.


    adjacent    Node IDs of adjacent nodes.

    reason      Reason for the failure. See possible reasons
                described under the adjacency state change event.

 o  rejected ip adjacency

    Support: IP

    Generated when an attempt to automatically create an IP adjacency
    to an IP router fails because of lack of resources.


    neighbor    IP address of the neighbor.
    IP address

    reason      Reason why the attempt failed. See the description of
                the Reason argument of the IP Adjacency State Change

 o  rip error received

    Support: L2,IP

    Generated when any kind of error is detected in a received RIP
    packet. This event is generated only if the routing entity's
    characteristic routing protocols supported includes the value


    neighbor    IP address of the neighbor.
    IP address

    RIP reason  Type of error that was detected in the RIP packet.

    RIP         RIP version number of the RIP packet. This argument
    version     is present only if the RIP Reason is Version Skew.

 o  verification reject

    Generated when a verification attempt fails.
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