NCLHELP.HLB  —  Directory Module, DSA  Events  Shadow Agreement Update Failure
 This event is generated when a DSA fails to create, modify,
 or delete a shadowing agreement. The event provides the
 following information:

 -    One of the following Shadowing Agreement Problems:

      -  Communications Problem
      -  DOP error received
      -  DOP error sent

 -    The name of the naming context to which the agreement applies

 -    Whether this DSA is consumer of supplier DSA

 -    The access point of the other DSA that the agreement applies to

 -    If the Shadowing Agreement Problem was a Communications Problem,
      a diagnostic message is provided, and one of the following reasons;

      - Fatal Interface Error
      - Insufficient Resources
      - Network Unavailable
      - Address Already In Use
      - Invalid AEI
      - Transport Error
      - System Error
      - Invalid Transport Template
      - Unknown Error
      - ACSE User Reject

 -    If the Shadowing Agreement Problem was either DOP error received
      or DOP error sent, one of the following reasons;

      -  Invalid ID
      -  Duplicate ID
      -  Unsupported Binding Type
      -  Not Allowed For Role
      -  Parameter Missing
      -  Role Assignment
      -  Invalid Start Time
      -  Invalid End Time
      -  Invalid Agreement
      -  Currently Not Decidable
      -  Modification Not Allowed

 -    The identifier of the agreement that was not updated.

 Most of the DOP problems are self correcting. For example, the
 Duplicate ID problem leads to the proposal of a different
 agreement identifier. The Invalid Agreement and the Currently
 Not Decidable problems may require manual intervention. See
 HP Enterprise Directory  - Problem Solving for
 details of how to handle those problems.
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