NCLHELP.HLB  —  Directory Module, DSA  Events  Shadow Agreement Update Complete
 This event is generated when a DSA successfully creates, modifies,
 or deletes a shadowing agreement. A shadowing agreement describes
 how and when a DSA must replicate a given naming context to or
 from another DSA. The event provides the following information:

 -    The name of the naming context to which the agreement applies

 -    Whether this DSA is the supplier or consumer DSA

 -    The access point of the other DSA that the agreement applies to

 -    The identifier of the agreement that was successfully updated

 Note that updating an agreement does not mean that replication
 has taken place. The success or failure of replication
 is indicated by the Shadow Update Complete and Shadow Update
 Failure events. This event indicates only that the DSA has
 successfully managed an agreement, for example, to reschedule
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