NCLHELP.HLB  —  Directory Module, DSA  Events  Resource Exhausted
 A Resource Exhausted event is generated when the DSA detects that
 a critical resource is exhausted, preventing it from performing an

 Each occurrence of this event results in the Exhausted Resource
 counter being incremented by 1.

 The event identifies the resource which is exhausted. This is one
 of the following:

 -    Insufficient Memory.
      Insufficient memory remains to process the operation.

 -    Fatal Memory Exhaustion
      The DSA has run out of memory during an essential operation.
      The DSA exits to avoid corrupting the database. The event
      indicates how many bytes of memory were not available.
      You should take steps to increase the amount of memory
      available to the DSA.

 -    Insufficient License Capacity.
      The DSA contains more entries than its licenses permit.
      Reduce the DSA's entry count, or load more licenses.

 -    Insufficient Associations.
      Insufficient resources are available to process a BIND operation.

 -    Insufficient Disk Space.
      Insufficient disk space remains to perform a backup of the
      DSA's DIB fragment.

 -    Insufficient Threads.
      Insufficient processor threads remain to perform the requested

 -    Miscellaneous Resource Exhausted.
      A miscellaneous resource is exhausted.
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