NCLHELP.HLB  —  Directory Module, DSA  Events  Failure To Start Accounting Facility
 The event indicates the reason why the DSA failed to start
 the accounting facility. The reason can be either of the following:

 -   There was insufficient disk space for the accounting facility.
     In this case, you need to release extra disk space on the
     disk that the accounting facility uses, and then start the
     accounting facility. Moving or deleting accounting files
     might be the simplest solution.

     HP recommends that you store accounting files on a
     different disk to the DSA files, as follows:

     -   On Tru64 UNIX systems, create a softlink in the /var/dxd
         directory so that the /var/dxd/accounting directory is on
         a different disk.

     -   On OpenVMS systems, define the logical DXD$ACCOUNTING to
         point to a directory on a different disk to the one that
         contains DXD$DIRECTORY.

 -   The DSA failed to create an accounting thread.

     Restart the accounting facility. If this problem happens
     frequently, report it to HP.
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