NCLHELP.HLB  —  Directory Module, DSA  Events  Distributed Operation Failure
 A Distributed Operation Failure event is issued when the DSA
 cannot connect to another DSA.

 The event returns the following information:

 -    Reason.
      This is one of the following:

      -  Communications Failure.
         The DSA could not establish an association for one of the
         following reasons stated in the event:

         -  Fatal Interface Error
         -  Insufficient Resources
         -  Network Unavailable
         -  Address Already In Use
         -  Invalid AEI
         -  Transport Error
         -  System Error
         -  Invalid Transport Template
         -  Unknown Error

      -  DSA Not Trusted
         The target DSA does not trust this DSA, and considers that
         the connection requires trust.

      -  Authentication Failure.
         The target DSA could not verify this DSA's password.
         Refer to HP Enterprise Directory  - Problem Solving.

      -  Invalid Reference.
         The target DSA does not hold the part of the DIT that this
         DSA expects it to. The knowledge information of this DSA is wrong.
         See HP Enterprise Directory  - Problem Solving.

      -  Remote Operation Rejected.
         The target DSA has rejected the remote operation. This is
         normally due to a protocol error.

 -    Diagnostic.
      This may be, for example, an internal system error code.

 -    Target DSA.
      The access point of the target DSA with which this DSA was
      attempting to communicate when the failure occurred.

 -    Requestor.
      Information on the application or user that requested the
      operation. This comprises:

      -  The application entity title of the DSA from which the Bind
         request was received.

      -  The presentation address of the DSA from which the Bind
         request was received.

      -  The distinguished name that was supplied in the Bind request,
         if any.

      -  The directory protocol in use, that is, DAP, DSP or the DEC
         Shadow Protocol.
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