NCLHELP.HLB  —  Directory Module, DSA  Events  Create Failure
 This event is generated when the DSA fails to create the DSA entity
 in response to the CREATE DSA directive. The event provides the
 following information:

 -    The reason why the DSA entity could not be created. This is
      one of the following:

      -	Database already in use by another DSA.
 	The DSA is trying to connect to a database that is being
 	used by another DSA.

      -  DIT Incompatible.
         The DSA database is incompatible with this version
         of the DSA. This can only occur after an upgrade of the
         DSA software.

      -  DIT Corrupt.
         The DSA database is corrupt.

      -  DIT and Schema Incompatible

         The DIT contains information that is not defined in the
         schema. Fix your schema files, recompile them, and restart
         the DSA.

      -  Schema Incompatible.
         The directory schema is incompatible with this version of
         the DSA.  Both the schema compiler and the DSA contain
         internal revision numbers that define the revision level
         of the software.  The most likely cause of this event
         message is that an old version of the schema compiler has
         been used to compile the schema files. This can only happen
         after an upgrade of the DSA software.

      -  Schema Corrupt.
         The directory schema is corrupt. Recompile the schema.

      -  License Check Failure.
         The license check for the product has failed.

      -  System Error.
         An unexpected system error has occurred.

 -    Additional information that assists in diagnosing the reason
      for the failure.  For example, if the reason is set to System
      Error, the diagnostic string might provide the actual reason,
      such as insufficient memory.
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