NCLHELP.HLB  —  Directory Module, DSA  Characteristics  Private Key Passphrase
 If you want use SSL on LDAP connections to protect the security of the
 authentication phase, you need to obtain a certificate for the DSA.
 The certificate will have a Private Key that the DSA can use to validate
 the certificate exchange. This Private Key is usually encrypted using a
 pass phrase chosen by the user. If you are using SSL, you need to obtain
 a certificate and private key for the DSA in PEM format, either from a
 Certificate Authority or from SSL and store these in the DSA's directory
 area as DSA-certificate.pem and DSA-private-key.pem. You also need to tell
 the DSA what is the passphrase for the private key, by setting the PRIVATE
 KEY PASSPHRASE attribute. This is a password attribute, so you cannot SHOW

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