NCLHELP.HLB  —  test  mop  circuit
    Initiates an XID test between the node specified and the node
    indicated by the address or client argument.

    test  [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -
           address lan-address [,optional argument...]

    The Address information is required.  If Address is not specified
    in the command, then a Client must be specified which can supply
    the address information.

    test [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -
            client client-name [,optional argument...]

    The optional arguments for the test command are:  count, format,
    length, and sap.


    test mop circuit csmacd-1 address 08-00-2b-45-77-ED

    test mop circuit csmacd-1 -
         client lamchp           ! Client gives default Address

    The test requester function must be enabled on the MOP Circuit
    to perform the test operation.  You may enable this function

    enable mop circuit circuit-name function {test requester}

1  –  SAP

    The optional SAP argument specifies the Service Access Point on
    the target system to which the XID message is to be sent.  SAP is
    an octet (00-FF).  The default SAP is 00.

    test  [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -
          address lan-address, -
          sap octet [,optional arguments...]

    If an Address is not supplied in the command on a LAN circuit,
    then the Client argument must be specified so the address
    information can be obtained from the MOP Client database.

    test  [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -
          client client-name, -
          sap octet [,optional arguments...]


    test mop circuit csmacd-1 address 08-00-2b-00-13-4F, sap ff

    test mop circuit fddi-1 client mynode, sap 55

2  –  address

    test  [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -
            address lan-address [,optional argument...]

    The Address information is required.  If Address is not specified
    in the command, then a Client must be specified which can supply
    the address information.

3  –  client

    test [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -
            client client-name [,optional argument...]

    Address information is required.  If Address is not specified
    in the command, then the specified Client must supply the address

4  –  count

    The optional Count argument is an integer between 0-4294967295
    which specifies the number of messages to be tested.  The default
    count is 1.

    test  [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -
          address lan-address, -
          count integer [,optional arguments...]

    If an Address is not supplied in the command on a LAN circuit,
    then the Client argument must be specified so the address
    information can be obtained from the MOP Client database.

    test  [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -
          client client-name, -
          count integer [,optional arguments...]


    test mop circuit csmacd-1 address 08-00-2b-00-13-4F, count 50

    test mop circuit fddi-1 client mynode, count 10

5  –  format

    The optional Format argument is an octet (00-FF) which specifies
    the value of each byte in the test data.  The default results in
    alternating 0 and 1 bits (55).

    test  [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -
          address lan-address, -
          format octet [,optional arguments...]

    If an Address is not supplied in the command on a LAN circuit,
    then the Client argument must be specified so the address
    information can be obtained from the MOP Client database.

    test  [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -
          client client-name, -
          format octet [,optional arguments...]


    test mop circuit csmacd-1 address 08-00-2b-00-13-4F, format FF

    test mop circuit fddi-1 client mynode, format 00

6  –  length

    The optional Length argument specifies the length of the test
    data part of each message. The maximum and minimum permitted
    values depend on the particular data link in use.  The range is
    0-4294967295.  The default length is 40.

    test  [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -
          address lan-address, -
          length integer [,optional arguments...]

    If an Address is not supplied in the command on a LAN circuit,
    then the Client argument must be specified so the address
    information can be obtained from the MOP Client database.

    test  [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -
          client client-name, -
          length integer [,optional arguments...]


    test mop circuit csmacd-1 address 08-00-2b-00-13-4F, length 20

    test mop circuit fddi-1 client mynode, length 45

7  –  Exception Messages

 o  data link error

    An error was reported by the Data Link layer.  Ascertain that
    the query requester function is enabled on the MOP circuit.

 o  unrecognized client

    There is no client with the specified identification.

 o  unrecognized circuit

    There is no circuit with the specified identification.

 o  entity class not supported (OpenVMS)

    MOP is not registered with EMAA.  The NET$MOP process is
    probably not started.  For instructions on how to restart
    the MOP process, refer to HELP NETWORK_MANAGEMENT MOP.

 o  timeout

    Operation has timed out.
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