NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  x25 client (OpenVMS)
    show  [node node-id] x25 client  attribute [,attribute...]
                                     all [attributes]
                                     all characteristics
                                     all counters

    show x25 client all

1  –  Characteristics

 o  incoming session template

    The session control template specified for an open/incoming
    connection at the end-user session control interface. This
    characteristic is an optional argument on the create command.

 o  maximum session connections

    Default: None                  Value: 1-65535

    Maximum number of session control connections supported by this
    module. This characteristic is an optional argument on the create
    command. You cannot modify this characteristic.

 o  version

    Default: Current version number

    Version number of the X.25 Gateway Access Protocol to which the
    implementation conforms. You cannot modify this characteristic.

2  –  Counters

 o  connection attempts failed

    Number of session control connect requests that have failed
    prematurely or that have been rejected by the X.25 server at
    the gateway system.

 o  creation time

    Time at which this entity was created.

 o  times session control unavailable

    Number of times session control was not found or state of session
    control was not enabled.

3  –  Status

 o  active inbound session connections

    Number of inbound session control connections to the X.25 Client

 o  active outbound session connections

    Number of outbound session control connections to the X.25 Client

 o  state

    Current state of the entity (on or off).

 o  uid

    Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is
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