NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  token ring (Tru64 UNIX), station
    show  [node node-id] token ring -
                  station station-name  attribute [,attribute...]
                                        all [attributes]
                                        all characteristics
                                        all counters
                                        all identifiers
                                        all status

1  –  Characteristics

 o  aging timeout

    Default: 60 seconds	Value: 1--655

    Controls the timeout of the source routing information for nodes
    that the local node has not recently communicated with.

 o  communication port

    Name of the hardware port associated with this station, taken
    from the corresponding argument in the create directive.
    You cannot modify this characteristic.

 o  discovery timeout

    Default: 1 second	Value: 1--255

    Controls the timeout of the source routing discovery process.

 o  etr

    Default: True	Value: True or false

    Determines if Early Token Release is in use on this station.
    ETR may be supported only on 16 Mbps media. This attribute can
    only be set in the off state.

 o  maximum source routes

    Default: 1024	Value: 256-2048

    The maximum number of source route subentities this station will
    buffer.  Can only be set in the off state.

 o  monitor contender

    Default: False	Value: True or false

    Determines if the station will try to become the Active Monitor,
    if a lower addressed station starts the monitor contention process.
    This attribute can only be set in the off state.

 o  ring speed

    Default: Unknown	Value: 4 or 16 Mbps

    The data rate of the media. Can only be set in the off state.

 o  station address

    Default: Hardware ROM address	Value: None

    The desired station address. Can only be set in the off state.

2  –  Counters

    Unless stated otherwise, counts include both normal and multicast
    traffic and all protocol types, service access points (SAPs), and
    protocol identifiers.

 o  abort delimiter sent

    Number of times an abort delimiter was sent while transmitting.

 o  auto-removal failures

    Number of times a failure during the beacon auto-removal process
    was detected and the station removed itself from the ring.

 o  burst errors

    Number of times a lack of transitions was detected on the physical

 o  creation time

    Time at which the station entity was created.

 o  explorer frames received

    Number of SR explorer frames received by the source route entities.

 o  explorer frames sent

    Number of source routing (SR) explorer frames sent by the
    source route entities.

 o  frame copied errors

    Number of individually addressed frames received with
    the Address Recognized status bit = 1.

 o  frequency errors

    Number of times an error was detected in the incoming signal

 o  insertion failures

    Number of times that a ring insertion operation has failed.

 o  internal errors

    Number of times a recoverable internal error was recognized.

 o  line errors

    Number of times a CRC error or a non-data symbol in a frame or
    token with the E bit = 0 was detected.

 o  lobe wire faults

    Number of times an open or shorted lobe data path was detected and
    the station removed itself from the ring.

 o  lost frames

    Number of times this station has transmitted a frame and has
    failed to receive it for stripping before the Timer Return
    to Repeat (TRR) timer expired.

 o  multicast octets received

    Number of octets successfully received in multicast frames of type
    LLC. (The count does not include the MAC envelope.)

 o  multicast octets sent

    Number of octets successfully sent in multicast frames of type LLC.
    (The count does not include the MAC envelope.)

 o  multicast pdus received

    Number of multicast frames successfully received of type LLC.

 o  multicast pdus sent

    Number of multicast frames successfully sent of type LLC.

 o  octets received

    Number of octets successfully received in frames of type LLC.

 o  octets sent

    Number of octets successfully sent in frames of type LLC.

 o  pdus received

    Number of frames successfully received of type LLC.

 o  pdus sent

    Number of frames successfully sent of type LLC.

 o  receive data overruns

    Number of times a frame was lost due to system or adapter
    transfer failure.

 o  receiver congestions

    Number of frames recognized as matching one of this station's
    individual, group, or functional addresses, but could not
    be received for lack of buffers in the adapter.

 o  remove frames received

    Number of times a remove MAC frame has been received and the
    station removed itself from the ring.

 o  ring beaconings

    Number of times the condition of receiving or transmitted Beacon
    frames was detected due to a hard error.

 o  ring failures

    Number of times the station left the ring due to failure.

 o  ring recoveries

    Number of times detected the ring is in the monitor contention
    process. Indicates that the ring has attempted to recover from a
    soft error problem.

 o  ring poll errors

    Number of times an error was detected in the A&C bits
    during the ring poll process.

 o  route discovery failures

    Number of times the route discovery process failed to find a route
    to another station.

 o  selftest failures

    Total number of times a self-test of the station detected an

 o  signal losses

    Number of times detected loss of signal on the physical media.

 o  single station conditions

    Number of times detected being the only station in the ring.

 o  soft error reports sent

    Number of times sent a report error MAC frame to the ring error

 o  unavailable station buffers

    Number of times a frame was discarded because no station level
    buffers were available.

 o  unavailable user buffers

    Number of times a frame was discarded because no user
    buffer was available.

 o  unrecognized individual destination pdus

    Number of times a received individually addressed LLC frame was
    discarded because there was no data link port with a matching SAP,
    SNAP PID, or Ethernet protocol type.

 o  unrecognized multicast destination pdus

    Number of times a received LLC frame addressed to an enabled
    group or functional address was discarded because there was no
    data link port with a matching SAP, SNAP PID, or Ethernet protocol

 o  token error

    Number of times when this station (when Active Monitor (AM)) has
    transmitted a new token due to errors on the ring.

 o  transmit failures

    Number of times a transmit error, other than underrun occurred.
    Transmit error reasons can be tracked by event reasons, or by
    observing other 802.5 counters.

 o  transmit underruns

    Number of times a transmit underrun occurred.

 o  transmitting beacons

    Number of times initiated transmitting beacon frames.

3  –  Identifier

 o  name

    Simplename assigned to token ring station when it was created.

4  –  Status

 o  authorized access priority

    The maximum transmit priority allowed for this station. The value
    is set by the ring parameter server.

 o  authorized function classes

    The bit map of the authorized function classes for this station.

 o  functional address

    The functional address bit map enabled in the adapter for the
    reception on this station.

 o  group addresses

    The set of group addresses enabled in the adapter for reception
    on this station.

 o  insert error reason

    Reason code for an insertion error if there was a failure to
    insert into the ring, or insertion successful if no error.

    no open		An error occurred during the insertion phase.

    bad parameters	Invalid options specified to the
      			adapter to insert into the ring.

    lobe fault		Lobe test fault or MAC frames were
      			received before physical insertion.

    signal loss		Signal loss condition was detected
      			during the insertion phase.

    timeout		Logical insertion onto the ring failed
      			before insertion timer expired.

    ring failure		Unable to receive its own ring purge
      			MAC frames after becoming the active monitor.

    ring beaconing	A beacon MAC frame was received
      			after physical insertion onto the ring.

    duplicate address	Another station on the ring already has the
      			address this station wishes to use.

    parameter server 	A Ring Parameter Server (RPS) is present on
    error		the ring but does not respond to a request
      			initialization MAC frame.

    remove frame 	A remove station MAC frame
    received		was received during the insertion process.

    insertion successful	The insertion phase was successful.

 o  link state

    Data link state of this ring station.

    off		Station is not on the ring.

    running	Station is available to the user for processing.

    initializing	Station is in process of inserting into the ring.

    recovery	Station is beaconing.

    contending	Station is participating in the monitor contention

    broken	Station has failed the insertion process.

 o  MAC address

    The currently active station address value for which the data
    link is receiving an individually addressed frame.

 o  nearest upstream neighbor

    The MAC address of the last known upstream ring neighbor as heard
    from the ring poll process.

 o  physical drop number

    The physical drop number assigned by the ring parameter server.

 o  receive mode

    The receive mode of the station. Normal or promiscuous.

 o  ring error reason

    Reason code for the most recent ring error detected by this
    station or no error if none has occurred.

    no error	Successful operation, no error has occurred.

    ring in 	Claim token MAC frames were observed on the ring.

    single 	It sensed this is the only station on the ring.

    remove frame A remove ring station MAC frame request was
    received	received and the station has deinserted from the

    auto-removal	The auto-removal process has failed and the station
    failure	has deinserted from the ring.

    lobe fault	An open or short circuit in the lobe wire cable was

    transmitting	Beacon frames are transmitted to the ring.

    soft error 	A report error MAC frame has been transmitted.
    frame sent

    beaconing 	Beacon frames are presently transmitted or received
    condition	to or from the ring.

    signal loss	A loss of signal was detected on the ring.

    open in 	Station is in process of inserting into the ring.

 o  ring number

    The local ring number as received from the ring parameter server.

 o  ROM address

    The IEEE Universally Administered address present in the ROM of
    the adapter.

 o  transparent source routing

    State of transparent source routing support.

 o  state

    Operational state of the station.

 o  uid

    Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is

5  –  source_route

    show  [node node-id] token ring -
     station station-name-
        source route sourceroute-id  attribute [,attribute...]
                                     all [attributes]
                                     all counters
      				    all identifiers
      				    all status

    This is supported on Tru64 UNIX only.

5.1  –  Counters

 o  creation time

    Time at which the source route entity was created.

5.2  –  Identifiers

 o  LANaddress

    The MAC address of the entity's destination station.

5.3  –  Status

 o  routing information

    Source routing information to be used when communicating
    with the entity's destination station.

 o  state

    State of the source route entity.

    no route      No path known to the entity's destination

    on ring	 Destination station on the local token ring.
      		 No source routing information needed.

    have route	 Destination station on a remote token ring.
                  Entity contains valid source routing

    rediscovering Route discovery on the extended token ring
                  is in progress.

    stale	 Had source route but the Aging Timer

    weak route	 Entity was created as a result of a
      		 Spanning Tree Explorer multicast frame.

 o  uid

    Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the
    entity is created.

6  –  FA map

    show [node node-id] token ring -
      station station-name -
             FA map famap-id  attribute [,attribute...]
                              all [attributes]
      	                     all characteristics
 			     all counters
      			     all identifiers
      			     all status

    This is supported on Tru64 UNIX only.

6.1  –  Characteristics

 o  functional address

    Functional address used to send or receive frames on the
    token ring.

 o  group address

    Group address used for sending or receiving frames.

 o  SAP address

    LLC SAP address protocol of frames to be mapped. If SNAP
    SAP (AA) then the SNAP PID applies.


    SNAP protocol identifier for SNAP SAP frames.

6.2  –  Counters

 o  creation time

    Time at which the FA map entity was created.

6.3  –  Status

 o  uid

    Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the
    entity is created.
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