NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  session_control, proxy (Tru64 UNIX)
    show  [node node-id] session control -
                                proxy name  attribute [,attribute...]
                                            all [attributes]
                                            all counters
                                            all identifiers
                                            all status

1  –  Identifier

 o  name

    Simple name assigned to a particular entity instance. The name
    is the management identifier for the proxy database entry and
    is kept unique among the entries in this database maintained by
    Session Control.

2  –  Characteristics

 o  applications

                           Value: Set of simple-name

    Set of application identifiers, one of which must match the
    application requested. If this attribute value is null, any
    requested application will match.

 o  source end users

                           Value: Set of record

    Set of remote end users for whom this proxy entry applies. An
    unspecified end user implies all end users on the node specified
    in the same record. The record format has two fields: node which
    has a data type of fullname, and end user which has a data type
    of enduserspecification.

 o  target user

    Default: None          Value: Latin1String

    Local user name under which access is granted.

 o  type

    Default: Explicit      Value: Explicit or default

    Type of proxy entry. explicit means that the destination the
    user requested in the connect request must match the target user
    for this entry. default means if no explicit entry matches, this
    entry will be tried. An explicit proxy entry matches before a
    default one.

3  –  Counters

 o  creation time

    Time the entity was created and associated counter attributes
    were zero.

 o  used

    Number of times this proxy entry was used to gain access to one
    of the applications.

4  –  Status

 o  last time used

    Last time this proxy entry was used to gain access to one of the
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