NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  session_control, backtranslation_softlink
    show  [node node-id] session control -
      backtranslation softlink softlinkname  attribute [,attribute...]
                                             all [attributes]
                                             all counters
                                             all identifiers
                                             all status

    Shows the backtranslation softlink subentities in the session control
    database on the specified node.  If the node is using the DECdns
    directory service, then such one softlink subentity should exist for
    each DECnet address held by the node.  (Softlinks are NOT created for
    cluster alias addresses.)  If an OpenVMS node is configured to run
    DECnet over IP and is using the DECdns namespace, then one softlink
    subentity should exist for each non-zero IP address as well.

    Softlinks in the DECdns namespace are used by all nodes in the
    namespace to associate a particular address with a nodename
    (DNS$LinkTarget).  Therefore, if a node's backtranslation softlinks
    are not properly configured within a DECdns namespace, then other
    nodes using that namespace will not be able to associate that address
    with correct nodename.

    NCL can be used to show what softlinks the node can be configured
    to maintain in the specified DECdns namespace.  If the session control
    attribute maintain backward softlinks is true, then the node will
    periodically attempt to update its softlinks in the DECdns namespace.

    If the NCL SHOW command indicates a high Update Failure rate, the
    Last Failure Reason may suggest the reason for the failure. You may
    then use the DNS$CONTROL and DECNET_REGISTER tools to troubleshoot.
    These tools can be used to confirm that a DECdns server is accessible
    and that the DECdns namespace contains the proper object and
    softlinks for this node.


    show node WINTER:.XPR.CASE session control backtrans softlink * all
         ! Shows all softlinks contained in the session control
         !  database of node WINTER:.XPR.CASE.

    show session control backtranslation softlink -
         WINTER:.DNA_BACKTRANSLATION.%X49.%X0018.%XAA0004002A60 all
         ! Shows a softlink contained in the session control database
         !  for the local node.  It indicates that the node is the
         !  holder of DECnet address 24.42 within the WINTER namespace.

    show session control backtranslation softlink -
         ! This softlink indicates that the local node is configured
         !  as the holder of the IP address in the
         !  WINTER namespace. (IP softlinks are on OpenVMS only)

1  –  Identifier

 o  name

    Simplename assigned when it was created.

2  –  status

 o  uid

    Entity's unique identifier, generated when it was created.

 o  target

    Target (or nodename) associated with this softlink.

 o  network entity title

    Network entity title for this softlink.   Since the concept of
    a NET makes no sense for IP softlinks, the hexadecimal
    representation of the IP address is displayed instead.

 o  state

    Status of this entity instance.  Values include create,
    delete, exist and retarget.

 o  last successful update

    Most recent time an update for this subentity succeeded.

 o  last update completed

    Most recent time an update for this subentity completed.

 o  last update started

    Most recent time an update for this subentity was initiated.

 o  last failure reason

    Reason for the most recent update failure.

3  –  Counters

 o  creation time

    Time when the subentity was created.

 o  update failures

    Number of times an update for this subentity failed.

 o  update successes

    Number of times an update for this subentity succeeded.
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