NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  routing  egp_group
    show  [node node-id] routing -
              egp group group-name  attribute [,attribute...]
                                    all [attributes]
                                    all characteristics
                                    all identifiers
                                    all status

    This is supported only on Level 2 routers that support dual
    routing (and, in particular, the EGP routing protocol).

1  –  Characteristics

 o  autonomous system number

    Support: L2,IP
    Default: 0             Value: 0-65535

    The autonomous system number common to members of this group. You
    can modify this characteristic only when the entity is disabled.
    This attribute is supported only if the node is a level 2 router,
    and if the system supports dual routing (both DECnet and IP

 o  external routes

    Support: L2,IP
    Default: Receive       Value: Set of send,receive

    If the set includes receive, external gateway routes are accepted
    from neighbors in the group; if the set does not include receive,
    external gateway routes are discarded. If the set includes send,
    external gateway routes will be sent to neighbors in this group;
    if the set does not include send, external gateway routes are not
    sent. You can modify this characteristic only when the entity is

 o  maximum active neighbors

    Support: L2,IP
    Default: 1             Value: 0-255

    The maximum number of neighbor systems in the group that this
    system will attempt to acquire and maintain in the Up state at
    any given time. You can modify this characteristic only when the
    entity is disabled.

 o  receive metric class

    Support: L2,IP
    Default: External      Value: Internal or external

    The class to be associated with routes received from EGP
    neighbors in this group (unless overridden by a routing receive
    route entity). You can modify this characteristic only when the
    entity is disabled.

 o  send local metric

    Support: L2,IP
    Default: 1             Value: 0-255

    The metric value to be used when announcing routes derived from
    local information (unless overridden by a routing send route
    entity). You can modify this characteristic only when the entity
    is disabled.

 o  send metric classes

    Support: L2,IP
    Default: Internal      Value: Set of external,internal

    Routes received through routing protocols other than EGP with
    metric classes in this set are candidates for announcement
    in EGP messages sent to neighbors in this group, subject to
    route propagation policy. Routes with metric classes not
    specified in this set will not be announced. You can modify this
    characteristic only when the entity is disabled.

 o  send replacement metric

    Support: L2,IP
    Default: 1             Value: 0-255

    Specifies the metric value to be used when announcing routes
    derived from non-EGP routing protocols (unless overridden by a
    routing send route entity). You can modify this characteristic
    only when the entity is disabled.

2  –  Identifier

 o  name

    Simple name assigned to the EGP group when it is created.

3  –  Status

 o  state

    Specifies the state of the routing egp group entity.

    off        The entity is disabled.

    on         The entity is enabled.

4  –  egp_neighbor

    show  [node node-id] routing -
              egp group group-name -
               egp neighbor neighbor-name  attribute [,attribute...]
                                           all [attributes]
                                           all characteristics
                                           all counters
                                           all identifiers
                                           all status

    This is supported only on Level 2 routers that support dual
    routing (and, in particular, the EGP routing protocol).

4.1  –  Characteristics

 o  circuit

    Default: None          Value: Circuit name

    Simple-name of the circuit.

 o  ip address

    Support: L2,IP

    Internet address of this EGP neighbor. The value of this
    characteristic is derived from the ip address argument of the
    create command. You cannot modify this characteristic.

 o  next hop

    Default:       Value: IP address

    IP address and the next routing node.

 o  source network

    Default:       Value: Network number

    Network number to query.

4.2  –  Counters

 o  creation time

    Support: L2,IP

    Time at which this entity was created.

 o  error messages received

    Support: L2,IP

    Number of EGP error messages received from this neighbor.

 o  error messages sent

    Support: L2,IP

    Number of EGP error messages sent to this neighbor.

 o  messages received

    Support: L2,IP

    Number of EGP messages received without error from this neighbor.

 o  messages sent

    Support: L2,IP

    Number of EGP messages sent to this neighbor. Note that this
    value does not include EGP messages counted by the counter send
    messages discarded.

 o  received messages discarded

    Support: L2,IP

    Number of EGP messages received from this neighbor with any kind
    of error.

 o  send messages discarded

    Support: L2,IP

    Number of EGP messages not sent to this neighbor because of
    resource limitations within the egp entity.

 o  start events

    Support: L2,IP

    Number of times the EGP neighbor has been manually started.

 o  stop events

    Support: L2,IP

    Number of times the EGP neighbor has been manually stopped.

4.3  –  Identifier

 o  name

    Simple name assigned to the EGP neighbor when it is created.

4.4  –  Status

 o  egp state

    Support: L2,IP

    EGP state of the system with respect to this EGP neighbor.

    cease      up

 o  hello time

    Support: L2,IP

    Interval, in hundredths of a second, between retransmissions of
    EGP Hellos. This value represents the t1 timer defined in RFC

 o  last event

    Support: L2,IP

    Specifies whether the last event issued on this EGP neighbor was
    a start or a stop event.

    start The last event was a start.
    stop  The last event was a stop. This is the value with which
          an EGP neighbor is created, before either a start or stop
          command has been issued.

 o  polling mode

    Support: L2,IP

    Polling mode of the EGP entity with respect to this neighbor as
    either active or passive.

 o  poll time

    Support: L2,IP

    Interval, in hundredths of a second, between retransmissions of
    EGP polls. This value represents the t3 timer defined in RFC 904.

 o  state

    State of the routing egp group egp neighbor entity.

    off   The entity is disabled.
    on    The entity is enabled.

 o  uid

    Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is
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