NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  node
    Shows all attributes of the specified node.

    show  [node node-id]  attribute [,attribute...]
                          all counters
                          all [attributes]
                          all characteristics
                          all identifiers
                          all status

    Some command examples follow.  The local node (node 0) is implied
    if a node is not provided in the command.  Therefore, this will
    show the name and address of the local node:

       show name, address

    Note that the "show version" command does not give the DECnet
    version, it instead shows the version of the network management
    architecture.  To view the operating system and DECnet version
    of the local node, use this command:

       show implementation

    To show all the node attributes of the remote node "remnod":

       show node remnod all

1  –  Characteristics

 o  implementation

    Particular DECnet implementation of the node. You cannot modify
    this characteristic.

 o  listener template (Tru64 UNIX)

    Name of the OSI transport template to be passed through the
    CMIP listener to session control. You cannot modify this

 o  maximum listeners (Tru64 UNIX)

    Maximum number of CMIP listeners that the node supports. Zero
    specifies an unlimited number of listeners. You cannot modify
    this characteristic.

 o  version

    Version number of the network management architecture
    specification to which the implementation conforms. You cannot
    modify this characteristic.

2  –  Counters

 o  changes of address

    Number of times the node's address has changed.

 o  changes of id

    Number of times the node's ID has changed.

 o  creation time

    Time at which the entity was created. This time reflects the time
    at which the node was first booted.

 o  idrom check failures

    Number of times an IDROM was checked for consistency and was
    found to be in error.

 o  renames

    Number of times the node has been renamed (see the rename command.

3  –  Identifiers

 o  address

    Set of protocol towers that together form a Session Control
    application address for the node's CMIP listener.

 o  name

    Full name of the node as it is registered in your name space
    name is the primary identifier.

4  –  Status

 o  functions enabled

    Functions that are currently enabled for the node (see the
    enable command).

 o  id

    Indicates the unique 48-bit ID of the node.

 o  state

    State of the node.

    booting        The node is attempting to downline load. You
                   cannot manage the node in this state. If the
                   boot process is successful, the node enters the
                   off state. (OpenVMS)

    dead           The node is unusable and unmanageable as the
                   result of a power failure or similar event. The
                   node must be rebooted. (OpenVMS)

    off            The node is manageable, but not all of its
                   functions are enabled.

    on             All of the node's functions are enabled and the
                   node is fully manageable. The on
                   state is the normal operating state.

 o  uid

    Node's unique identifier, which is generated when the node is
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