NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  mop  circuit
    show [node node-id] mop -
        circuit circuit-name  attribute [,attribute...]
                              all [attributes]
                              all characteristics
                              all counters
                              all identifiers
                              all status


    show mop circuit * name, functions

    show mop circuit fddi-1 all

1  –  Identifiers

 o  name

    Simple name assigned to the mop circuit when it was created.

2  –  Characteristics

 o  known clients only

    Default: False         Value: True or False

    Specifies whether MOP attempts to service load requests from
    remote systems which do not have a corresponding client entity.
    Some network servers are designed to request specific software
    by name, and in such a case there is no need for a client entity
    to exist. By default, MOP tries to process requests for named
    software from unknown clients. Set this attribute to true if you
    wish MOP to ignore such requests.

 o  link name

    Default: No name       Value: Data Link entity name

    Name of a station entity in the Data Link layer module indicated
    by the type characteristic. This name is passed to the Data Link
    layer module when MOP opens a portal for the circuit.

 o  retransmit timer

    Default: 4             Value: 1-30

    Time (in seconds) to wait for a response before retransmitting a
    MOP protocol message.

 o  type

    Specifies the circuit type. This characteristic is set when the
    circuit is created (see the create command). The possible types
    are CSMA-CD, FDDI, HDLC (Tru64 UNIX loop only), DDCMP (OpenVMS VAX
    only), and LAPB (OpenVMS only). You cannot modify this

3  –  Counters

 o  creation time

    Time this entity was created.

 o  dump requests completed

    Number of dump service requests that completed successfully.

 o  failed dump requests

    Number of dump service requests that could not be completed.

 o  failed load requests

    Number of load service requests that could not be completed.

 o  load requests completed

    Number of load service requests that completed successfully.

 o  unrecognized dump clients

    Number of dump service requests that could not be processed
    because a required client database entry could not be found.

 o  unrecognized load clients

    Number of load service requests that could not be processed
    because a required client database entry could not be found.

4  –  Status

 o  functions

    Which optional MOP functions are currently enabled for this

    configuration monitor           load server
    console requester               loop requester
    dump server                     query requester
    load requester (Tru64 UNIX)     test requester

    To enable mop circuit functions, see the enable mop circuit

 o  uid

    Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is

5  –  operation

    show [node node-id] mop -
       circuit circuit-name -
           operation operation-name  attribute [,attribute...]
                                     all [attributes]
                                     all identifiers
                                     all status


    show mop circuit csmacd-1 operation * all

    Displays mop circuit operation entities which are created
    automatically by MOP for all operations, including those
    initiated by NCL commands and those initiated by automatic
    load and dump service.  These entities are deleted when the
    corresponding operation is commplete.

5.1  –  Identifier

 o  name

    Simple name of the operation entity that is generated
    automatically by MOP. The simple name is derived from the
    operation being performed (load or dump) and a numeric
    suffix added to ensure uniqueness.

5.2  –  Status

 o  address

    For LANs only, specifies the address of the client system.

 o  client

    Client name of the client entity associated with the operation,
    if such an entity exists.

 o  operation

    The operation being performed (boot, dump, load, loop, query, or

6  –  station

    show [node node-id] mop -
       circuit circuit-name -
            station station-name  attribute [,attribute...]
                                  all [attributes]
                                  all identifiers
                                  all status


    show mop circuit csmacd-1 station * all

    Displays mop circuit station entities which are created
    automatically by the Configuration Monitor.  They are
    deleted when the circuit entity is deleted.


    The Configuration Monitor function must be enabled on the
    mop circuit to obtain the status information used by the
    show mop circuit station command.  Refer to the enable
    mop circuit command for more information.

6.1  –  Identifier

 o  name

    Name of the station entity, generated automatically by the
    Configuration Monitor. The name is identical to the source LAN
    address for the System ID message.

6.2  –  Status

 o  command size

    Maximum acceptable console command size. A zero value means it is
    not applicable.

 o  console user

    LAN address of the system which currently has the console
    reserved; all zeroes if the console is not in use.

 o  data link

    Data Link protocol used by the remote station.

 o  device

    Type of communication device used by the remote station.

 o  dsdu size

    Maximum allowed size for a MOP message, not including data link
    protocol overhead.

 o  functions

    The set of functions supported: loop server, dump requester,
    primary loader, secondary loader, boot, console carrier, and

 o  hardware address

    Default data link address for the circuit on which the system ID
    was transmitted by the remote station.

 o  last report

    Time at which the most recent system ID message was received.

 o  mop version

    Highest version of the MOP protocol supported by the remote

 o  node id

    Node ID for the remote station. If not reported, the null ID
    (00-00-00-00-00-00) is displayed.

 o  node name

    Node name for the remote station, as a DECdns full name. If not
    reported by the remote station, the null name is used; this is
    displayed as "0:.".

 o  reservation timer

    Console reservation timer, in seconds. A zero values means it is
    not applicable.

 o  response size

    Maximum acceptable console response size. A zero value means it
    is not applicable.
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