NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  fddi  port
    show [node node-id] fddi -
               port port-name  attribute [,attribute...]
                               all [attributes]
                               all counters
                               all identifiers
                               all status


    show fddi port * all

    show fddi port FDDI$FXA_0010 mac addresses, client

1  –  Counters

 o  creation time

    Time at which the port was created.

 o  multicast octets received

    Number of multicast user data octets successfully received and
    available to the data-link user.

 o  multicast octets sent

    Number of multicast user data octets successfully transmitted
    using the port.

 o  multicast pdus received

    Number of multicast frames successfully received and available to
    the data-link user.

 o  multicast pdus sent

    Number of multicast frames successfully transmitted using the

 o  octets received

    Number of user data octets successfully received and available to
    the data-link user.

 o  octets sent

    Number of user data octets successfully transmitted using the

 o  pdus received

    Number of frames successfully received and available to the data
    link user.

 o  pdus sent

    Number of frames successfully transmitted using the port.

 o  unavailable user buffers

    Number of times no user buffer was available at the port for an
    incoming frame.

2  –  Identifier

 o  name

    Simple name assigned to the port when it is created.

3  –  Status

 o  client

    Name specified by the data link when the port is opened.

 o  ethernet protocol types

    Set of Ethernet protocol types that are recognized for this port.
    Protocol types for a port may be enabled and disabled by the user
    at any time during the port's existence.

 o  length present

    Default:               Value: True or false

    Indicates whether the data link is to add a length field on
    transmit, and both assume the presence of and remove the
    length field on receive for Ethernet frames. This attribute is
    irrelevant for ISO 8802-3 formatted frames because the length
    field is always present. This is specified by the user when the
    port is opened. The value true means length fields are added and
    removed by the data link.

 o  link

    Name of the link subentity associated with this port, specified
    by the user when the port is opened.

 o  llc sap addresses

    Set of SNAP protocol identifiers that are recognized for this
    port. LLC SAP addresses for a port may be enabled and disabled by
    the user at any time during the port's existence.

 o  llc service

    Default:               Value: Class 1 or User supplied

    LLC PDU processing the data-link user requires from the port,
    specified by the user when the port is opened.This is either LLC
    Class 1, where the entire LLC protocol is handled by the data
    link, or user-supplied LLC, where the user is responsible for
    operating part of the LLC protocol.

 o  mac addresses

    Set of individual and multicast MAC addresses that are recognized
    for this port. MAC addresses for a port may be enabled and
    disabled by the user at any time during the port's existence.

 o  receive mode

    Default:               Value: Normal or Promiscuous

    Indicates if the port is to receive all frames regardless of
    format, Ethernet protocol type, SNAP protocol identifier, LLC
    SAP address, or MAC address. Promiscuous receipt is enabled and
    disabled by the user. Support of promiscuous mode is optional.

 o  snap protocol identifiers

    Set of SNAP protocol identifiers that are recognized for this
    port. Protocol identifiers for a port may be enabled and disabled
    by the user at any time during the port's existence.

 o  type

    Type of port (LLC or SMT).

 o  uid

    Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is
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