NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  event_dispatcher, sink
    show  [node node-id] event dispatcher -
                           sink sink-name   attribute [,attribute...]
                                            all [attributes]
                                            all characteristics
                                            all counters
                                            all identifiers
                                            all status

    The sink-name can be either a simple name which uniquely identifies
    a particular sink instance, or a wildcard which identifies
    multiple sink instances.


    show event dispatcher sink local_sink all

    show event dispatcher sink * all

    show event dispatcher sink * client type, displayuids

1  –  Characteristics

 o  catch all filter

    Default: Pass          Value: Block or pass

    Specifies the action to take if neither the specific filter
    setting nor the global filter setting matches an event or if a
    filter setting that does match an event is set to Ignore.

    block    Discard the event.

    pass     Report the event.

 o  client type

    Default: Console       Value: See description.

    Specifies the application to accept the events received by the
    sink. This can only be set when the event dispatcher sink entity
    is disabled (when the sink state is off).

    console     Events go to the operator's console (OPCOM-OpenVMS).

    device      Events go to a device (see the device name

    file        Events go to a file (see the file name

 o  description

    Default: Null          Value: Latin1String

    Application description string.

 o  device name

    Default: Null          Value: Latin1String

    Name of the device to which events are going to be logged, if the
    client type of the sink is device.

 o  displayuids

    Default: True          Value: Boolean

    A boolean value indicating whether to include the UIDs when
    displaying an event.

 o  end user

    Default: Number = 82   Value: End-user specification

    Sink session control end user specification for this sink. For
    Tru64 UNIX, do not modify this characteristic.

 o  file name

    Default for Tru64 UNIX:      Value: File specification

    Default for OpenVMS:         Value: File specification

    Name of the file to which events are going to be logged if the
    client type of the sink is file.

 o  global filter

    Current global filter as it has been constructed by block,
    ignore, and pass commands for this sink. By default, the global
    filter is set to block all events for the following entities:
    event dispatcher, event dispatcher sink, and event dispatcher
    sink inbound stream. You cannot modify this characteristic.

 o  object name

    Default: No sink object       Value: Full-name

    Full DNS object name of the sink. Modifying this characteristic
    affects only subsequent connect requests; existing connections
    are unaffected.

 o  specific filter

    Default: No specific filter

    Current specific filter setting as constructed by block,
    ignore and pass commands for this sink. You cannot modify this

 o  template (Tru64 UNIX)

    Default: No template   Value: Simple name

    Transport template (see the osi transport template entity) for
    this sink's connections.

 o  user client (Tru64 UNIX)

    Default: Null          Value: End-user specification

    Session control end user specification for a user program that
    has been set to receive events.

2  –  Counters

 o  connections accepted

    Number of times a sink connection request was accepted by the
    sink partner.

 o  creation time

    Time this entity was created.

 o  events filtered

    Number of events for this sink that were filtered by its sink

 o  events lost

    Number of events lost due to sink queue overflow.

 o  filter changes

    Number of times the filter has changed.

3  –  Identifier

 o  name

    Simple name assigned to the sink when it is created.

4  –  Status

 o  buffer size

    Maximum number of octets allowed for event processing of this
    sink. This value is defined in the create command for the sink.
    This value is limited by the value specified in the maximum
    buffer size argument of the create command.

 o  state

    Status of the sink.

    off        The sink is disabled.

    on         The sink is enabled.

 o  uid

    Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is

5  –  inbound_stream

    show [node node-id] event dispatcher -
         sink sink-name -
            inbound stream stream-name  attribute [,attribute...]
                                        all [attributes]
                                        all identifiers
                                        all characteristics
                                        all counters
                                        all status

    The sink-name must be a simple name which uniquely identifies
    a particular sink instance.  The stream-name can be either a
    simple name which identifies a particular inbound stream
    instance, or a wildcard which identifies multiple inbound
    stream instances.


    show event dispatcher sink local_sink -
         inbound stream * name

    show event dispatcher sink local_sink -
         inbound stream EVD$IBS$0000 all

5.1  –  Counters

 o  creation time

    Time at which this entity was created.

 o  change confidence

    Number of times the confidence variable has changed while
    connections were in the on state.

5.2  –  Identifier

 o  name

    Local name assigned to the entity by its sink parent when it is
    dynamically created.

5.3  –  Status

 o  source end user

    Source end user specification, as provided by session control.

 o  source node name

    Name of the source node, as provided by session control.

 o  state

    Status of the inbound event stream.

    off            The stream is disabled.

    on connected   The stream is enabled and connected to the
                   outbound stream.

 o  uid

    Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is
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