NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  dtss
    show [node node-id] dtss  attribute [,attribute...]
                              all [characteristics]
                              all characteristics
                              all counters
                              all status


    show dtss type

    show dtss all

1  –  Characteristics

 o  acting courier role

    Default: noncourier         Value: courier or noncourier

    Specifies whether a backup courier is currently functioning
    as a courier. If the role is noncourier, then the node is not
    attempting to synchronize with global servers.

 o  advertisement interval

    Default: 0-01:30:00.000    Value: 0-00:00:30.000-99-99:99:99.999

    Specifies the amount of time between a server's advertisement

 o  check interval

    Default: 0-01:30:00.00     Value: 0-00:00:30.000-99-99:99:99.999

    Specifies the amount of time between checks for faulty servers.
    Applicable only to servers that have external time-providers.

 o  clock adjustment rate

    Specifies the rate at which the DECdts server or clerk entity
    adjusts the node's clock during a synchronization.

 o  courier role

    Default: noncourier        Value: See following description.

    Specifies a server's interaction with the set of global servers.

    backup courier   The local server becomes a courier if none are
                     available on the LAN.

    courier          The local server synchronizes with the global set
                     of servers.

    noncourier       The local server does not routinely synchronize
                     with the global set of servers.

 o  DNA Version

    Specifies the Distributed Network Architecture version to which
    the DECdts software conforms.

 o  DTSS Version

    Specifies the DTSS module/DECdts software version installed on the

 o  epoch number

    Default: 0                 Value: 0-255

    Specifies the server's epoch number. The change command modifies
    this characteristic.

 o  error tolerance

    Default: 0-00:10:00.000    Value: 0-00:00:00.500-99-99:99:99.999

    Specifies the maximum separation allowed between the local clock
    and the computed time before synchronizations become abrupt rather
    than gradual (monotonic).

 o  global directory

    Specifies the full name of the DECdns directory that contains the
    list of DECdts servers that belong to the global set.

 o  lan timeout

    Default: 0-00:00:02.000    Value: 0-00:00:01.000-0-00:05:00.000

    Specifies the amount of time the node waits for a response
    to a synchronization request before sending another request
    or declaring a server to be unavailable. The node sends
    three requests before declaring a non-responding server to be

 o  maximum clock drift rate

    Specifies the worst case drift rate of the node's clock, in
    nanoseconds per second, as determined by the manufacturer's

 o  maximum inaccuracy

    Default: 0-00:01:40.00     Value: 0-00:00:00.0 - 99 99:99:99.99

    Specifies the inaccuracy limit for the node. When the node exceeds
    the maximum inaccuracy setting, it attempts to synchronize.

 o  query attempts

    Default: 3                 Value: 1-10

    Specifies the number of attempts that a node makes to contact a
    server before the node considers the server unavailable.

 o  servers required

    Default: 3 (servers)       Value: 1-32
              1 (clerks)

    Specifies the minimum number of servers the specified node must
    successfully query for time values before it can synchronize.

 o  synchronization hold down

    Default: 0-00:10:00.0(Clerks) Value: 0-00:00:30.0- 01 00:00:00.00

    Specifies the interval a node must wait to synchronize. Also
    specifies synchronization frequency when a node reaches the value
    specified by the maximum inaccuracy characteristic.

 o  time provider present

    Default: false              Value: True or false

    Specifies whether or not the entity used an external time-provider
    at the last synchronization. This attribute applies to servers

 o  time representation version

    Specifies the timestamp version (format) used by the installed
    DECdts software.

 o  type

    Specifies whether the node is a DECdts server or clerk. The create
    command modifies this characteristic.

 o  wan timeout

    Default: 0-00:00:15.000    Value: 0-00:00:01.000-0-00:10:00.000

    Specifies the amount of time the node waits for a response to a
    WAN synchronization request before sending another request and
    declaring a global server to be unavailable. The node sends three
    requests before declaring a non-responding global server to be

2  –  Counters

 o  clock settings

    Specifies the number of times that the node clock has been set
    nonmonotonically (abruptly).

 o  creation time

    Specifies the time at which the DECdts entity was created and the
    counters were initialized.

 o  different epochs detected

    Specifies the number of times that the node received time response
    messages from servers or clerks that had epoch numbers different
    from its own.

 o  disable directives completed

    Specifies the number of times that DECdts has been disabled.

 o  enable directives completed

    Specifies the number of times that DECdts has been enabled.

 o  epoch changes completed

    Specifies the number of times that the server's epoch has changed.

 o  insufficient resources detected

    Specifies the number of times that the node has been unable to
    allocate virtual memory.

 o  invalid messages detected

    Specifies the number of times that the local node failed to
    process a received message that had an unknown message type or
    incorrect length.

 o  local times not intersecting

    Specifies the number of times that the node's time interval failed
    to intersect with the computed interval of the servers.

 o  no global servers detected

    Specifies the number of times that the courier server could not
    contact any global servers.

 o  protocol mismatches detected

    Specifies the number of times that the local node failed to
    process a received message containing an incompatible protocol

 o  server times not intersecting

    Specifies the number of times that a server has detected faulty
    servers (other than itself).

 o  servers not responding

    Specifies the number of times that the courier server could not
    contact a specific global server.

 o  synchronizations completed

    Specifies the number of times that the node has successfully

 o  system errors detected

    Specifies the number of times a DECdts operation has detected a
    system error.

 o  time provider failures detected

    Specifies the number of times that the external time-provider
    signaled a failure or the node was unable to access the time-

 o  time representation mismatches detected

    Specifies the number of times that the local node failed to
    process a received message containing an incompatible timestamp

 o  too few servers detected

    Specifies the number of times that a node failed to synchronize
    because it could not contact the required minimum number of

 o  too many servers detected

    Specifies the number of times that the responses to a
    synchronization request overflowed the assigned system buffer.

 o  updates initiated

    Specifies the number of times that a server has attempted to
    update its clock.

3  –  Status

 o  current time

    Specifies the current time on the node.

 o  last synchronization

    Specifies the computed time at the last synchronization.

 o  state

    Specifies the state of the DECdts software.

    Off              The DECdts process is disabled.

    On               The DECdts process is enabled.

    Synchronizing    The DECdts process is synchronizing.

    Updating         The DECdts process is updating the time.

 o  uid

    Specifies the entity's unique identifier, which is generated when
    the entity is created.

4  –  decnet_global_server

    show [node node-id] dtss -
       decnet global server fullname  attribute [,attribute...]
                                      all [attributes]
                                      all characteristics
                                      all identifiers
                                      all status


    show dtss decnet global server * -
         last time polled, last observed time

    show dtss decnet global server * all

    show dtss decnet -
      global server DEC:.DTSS_GlobalTimeServers.lkg-crackl all

4.1  –  Characteristic

 o  transport

    Specifies the transport protocol used by the global server.
    You cannot modify this characteristic.

4.2  –  Identifier

 o  name

    Specifies the full name of the global server, as registered in the

4.3  –  Status

 o  last observed skew

    Specifies the skew between the node's clock and the time
    received from the specified global server after the most recent

 o  last observed time

    Specifies the time the node last received from the specified
    global server.

 o  last time polled

    Specifies the time that the node last solicited a time value from
    the specified global server.

 o  used in last synchronization

    Specifies whether or not a time value from the specified global
    server was used in the node's last clock synchronization.

5  –  decnet_local_server

    show [node node-id] dtss -
       decnet local server lan-address  attribute [,attribute...]
                                        all [attributes]
                                        all characteristics
                                        all identifiers
                                        all status


    show dtss decnet local server * address

    show dtss decnet local server aa-00-04-00-dd-11 all

5.1  –  Characteristic

 o  transport

    Specifies the transport protocol used by the local server.

5.2  –  Identifier

 o  address

    Specifies the Ethernet address of the server.

5.3  –  Status

 o  last observed skew

    Specifies the skew between the node's clock and the time
    received from the specified local server after the most recent

 o  last observed time

    Specifies the time the node last received from the specified
    local server.

 o  last time polled

    Specifies the time that the node last solicited a time value from
    the specified local server.

 o  used in last synchronization

    Specifies whether or not a time value from the specified local
    server was used in the node's last clock synchronization.
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