NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  dns  clerk  manual_nameserver
    show [node node-id] dns clerk -
       manual nameserver name attribute [,attribute...]
                              all characteristics
                              all counters
                              all identifiers
                              all status

    Displays the knowledge in the clerk's cache about a server that
    exists across a wide area network (WAN).

    You can also enter this command using the dns$control utility.
    You must have the NET$EXAMINE rights identifier on a OpenVMS system.
    No special privileges are required on a Tru64 Unix system.


    show dns clerk manual nameserver * all

    show dns clerk manual nameserver DEC towers

1  –  characteristics

 o  towers

    Specifes the address(s) of the server that this entity represents.

 o  UID

    Unique identifier for the entity.

2  –  counters

 o  creation time

    Specifies the time at which the clerk created knowledge of this
    server in its cache.

 o  successful solicits

    The number of times the clerk made a successful solicit connection
    to the server and received clearinghouse advertisement data back.

 o  failed solicits

    The number of times solicitation of clearinghouse advertisement
    data from the nameserver failed.

3  –  identifier

 o  name

    Specifies an external, human-readable name by which the
    nameserver can be identified.

4  –  status

 o  last solicit

    Indicates the time at which the clerk last tried to solicit this
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