NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  dns  clerk  known_namespace
    show [node node-id] dns clerk -
       known namespace namespace-ident attribute [,attribute...]
                                       all characteristics
                                       all counters
                                       all identifiers
                                       all status

    You can use either the name or nscts in this command to
    specify the namespace-ident:

    name    The name of the namespace. The name argument may
            be different from the nickname if the nickname is
            ambiguous.  The name can contain wildcard character

    nscts   The value of the namespace creation timestamp
            (NSCTS) assigned to the specified namespace when
            it was created. The format is 14 pairs of hex
            digits (xx-xx).

    You can also enter this command using the dns$control utility.
    You must have the NET$EXAMINE rights identifier on a OpenVMS system.
    No special privileges are required on a Tru64 Unix system.


    show dns clerk known namespace *       ! Displays the identifiers
                                           ! (both name and NSCTS) of
                                           ! all known namespace
                                           ! subentities of the local
                                           !  dns clerk.

    show node true dns clerk -             ! Displays all the known
        known namespace * all              ! namespace information for
                                           ! the dns clerk on node true.

    show dns clerk known namespace *, -    ! Displays the names of all
          with ambiguous=true              ! namespaces known to the
                                           ! local dns clerk which
                                           ! share the same nickname.

1  –  characteristics

 o  UID

    Unique identifier for the entity.

2  –  counters

 o  creation time

    Specifies the time at which the clerk added this known namespace to
    its cache.

3  –  identifiers

 o  name

    Specifies an external, human-readable name by which the namespace
    can be identified. If the namespace nickname is unique, the Name
    is the same as the Nickname. Otherwise, the Name is generated by
    appending _n to the nickname for some value of n that makes it
    unique. The Ambiguous attribute is then set true for the known


    Specifies the creation timestamp of the namespace.

4  –  status

 o  ambiguous

    Indicates whether the nickname for this namespace is ambiguous;
    that is, more than one namespace known to this clerk has the same
    nickname. If true, the namespace nickname is ambiguous. If false,
    the namespace nickname is unique.

 o  explicit creation

    Specifies whether the namespace was created by a create command.
    If false, the namespace was created by the clerk itself.

 o  nickname

    The name given to the namespace when it was created.
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