NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  alias (OpenVMS), port
    show [node node-id] alias -
                port port-name attribute [,attribute...]
                               all [attributes]
                               all identifiers
                               all status
                               all characteristics
                               all counters


    show alias port * all

1  –  Characteristics

 o  selection weight

    The number of sequential incoming connects to be passed to this
    member node in the round-robin sequence before proceeding to the
    next member node in the sequence. A value of zero means this node
    is not eligible to receive incoming connections to this alias
    address. Selection Weight is used to apportion incoming alias
    connections according to the capacity of each alias member. Nodes
    with greater capacity should have larger values of Selection
    Weight, while local area VMScluster satellities should generally
    have a value of zero. Values between 0 and 10 are suggested.


       The nsp maximum transport connection value determines the
       number of connections on an alias member. If the Alias Port
       is enabled, changing the nsp maximum transport connection
       value has no effect.

 o  outgoing default

    Default:  False                 Value: Boolean

    Controls whether this alias is to be used as the default alias
    for this node.  If true, this alias node name will be used for
    connect requests on an outgoing connection from a session control
    application with the outgoing alias attribute set to true.

2  –  Counter

 o  creation time

    Specifies the time at which the entity was created.

3  –  Identifier

 o  name

    This string is the Port Identifier.  If DECdns is in use,
    it is also the DECdns-registered node object name of the
    Alias psuedo-node.

4  –  Status

 o  node-id

    The 6-byte node id field in the Alias pseudo-node's NSAP.

 o  state

    Specifies the status of the alias entity.

    off   The alias entity is enabled

    on    The alias entity is enabled
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