NCLHELP.HLB  —  set  x25_access, dte_class
    set  [node node-id] x25 access dte class class-name ...

    Modifies the attributes of an x25 access dte class entity, which
    defines a named class of DTEs.  The modifiable attributes and
    their data types [in brackets] are:

    account [latin1string] (OpenVMS)
    DNIC [DTE address]
    international prefix [DTE address]
    local dtes [set of simplenames]
    local prefix [DTE address]
    node [full-name] (OpenVMS VAX)
    outgoing session template [simplename] (OpenVMS)
    security dte class [simplename]
    service nodes [set of records] (OpenVMS Alpha)
    strip DNIC [boolean]
    user [latin1string] (OpenVMS)

1  –  account (OpenVMS)

    Default: No service/account data         Value: Latin1String

    Default service or account data to be used when connecting to
    the X.25 server on the gateway system specified by the node
    characteristic or service node characteristic. This attribute is
    supported only for DTE classes with characteristic type remote.
    The account value must be specified in quotes.

2  –  DNIC

    Default: Supplied by   Value: DTE address of 3 or 4 digits length

    The first part of the Network User Address (NUA). This takes
    one of two forms: Either it is in the form of the Data Network
    Identification Code (DNIC) and is specified by 4 digits, or it
    is in the form of a Data Country Code (DCC) and is specified by
    3 digits. If no profile is specified, the default is null.

3  –  international_prefix

    Default: Supplied by         Value: DTE address of 1 digit only.

    First digit of an X.121 address to indicate an international or
    internetwork call. If no profile is specified, the default is a
    null DTE address.

4  –  local_dtes

    Default: No names                 Value: Set of simplenames

    Names of the local x25 protocol dte entities that belong to this
    DTE class. Note that these DTE entities need not exist when their
    names are entered in this set; DTEs that do not exist when the
    DTE class is used are not considered when the DTE class is used
    for an outgoing call.

    If an x25 protocol dte entity has status attribute state set to
    running when its name is added to local dtes, you must disable
    the DTE entity and reenable it (see the disable x25 protocol dte
    and enable x25 protocol dte commands) in order for the DTE to be
    considered when this DTE class is used for an outgoing call.

    You can specify this characteristic only for DTE classes with
    characteristic type local.


    set x25 access dte class dte-1 local dtes (dte-0)

5  –  local_prefix

    Default: Supplied by           Value: DTE address of 1 digit only

    First digit of a DTE address to indicate a local call. If no
    profile is specified, the default is a null DTE address.

6  –  node (OpenVMS VAX)

    Default: No name                                Value: Full-name

    Node name of the remote gateway system on which the DTEs in this
    DTE class reside. Note that this characteristic is supported only
    if the service nodes characteristic is not supported.

    This characteristic is supported only for DTE classes
    with type characteristic set to remote.

7  –  outgoing session template (OpenVMS)

    Default: Default or no name          Value: simplename
    (see description)

    Name of the OSI Transport template to be used by the X.25 client to
    connect to the X.25 server on the gateway system. The default
    value default is valid only if OSI session control is being used.
    This attribute is supported only for DTE classes with characteristic
    type remote.

8  –  security_dte_class

    Default: Default                     Value: simplename

    Name of the x25 access security dte class entity that controls
    inbound and outbound access using this DTE class.


    set x25 access dte class dte-1 security dte class Default

9  –  service nodes (OpenVMS Alpha)

    Default: No records                         Value: Set of records

    Names of the nodes that may be used as candidate X.25 gateway
    systems and their associated ratings. Each record consists of
    a full name that describes the candidate node and an integer
    that indicates its ratings. The records are listed in order
    of descending rating. Values are entered as [node=nodename,
    rating=integer]. The rating represents the maximum number of
    session control connections to the node pair.

10  –  strip DNIC

    Default: False                              Value: True or false

    Defines whether the first part of the NUA (the DNIC or DCC
    specified by the DNIC characteristic) should be stripped for
    outgoing calls, and whether the network strips the first portion
    of the NUA from addresses it presents to the DTE.

11  –  user (OpenVMS)

    Default: No user ID                   Value: Latin1String

    Default user identification to be used when connecting to the
    gateway system specified by the service nodes characteristic.
    The user id must be specified in quotes.
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