NCLHELP.HLB  —  set  osi_transport, template
    set  [node node-id] osi transport template template-id ...

    Modifies the attributes of an osi transport template entity.  The
    modifiable attributes and their data types [in brackets] are:

    acknowledge delay time [seconds]
    checksums [boolean]
    classes [set-of-classes]
    clns inactive area address [area-address] (OpenVMS)
    cons template [simple-name]
    cr timeout [seconds]
    er timeout [seconds]
    expedited data [boolean]
    extended format [boolean]
    inbound [boolean] (OpenVMS)
    initial retransmit time [seconds]
    keepalive time [seconds]
    local nsap [nsap-address]
    loopback [boolean] (OpenVMS)
    maximum nsdu size [integer]
    network priority [integer] (OpenVMS)
    network service [service-type]
    retransmit threshold [integer]
    RFC1006 port number [integer] (OpenVMS)
    security [octet-string]
    send preferred maximum tpdu size [boolean]
    send request acknowledgment [boolean]
    send implementation id [boolean]
    use clns error reports [boolean]

    Refer to attribute descriptions for specific command examples.

1  –  acknowledgment_delay_time

    Default: 1             Value: 0-65

    Maximum amount of time, in seconds, that an AK TPDU is to be
    withheld. This attribute is valid for protocol class 4 only.

    set  [node node-id] osi transport template template-id -
         acknowledgment delay time integer


    set osi transport template default acknowledgment delay time 1

2  –  checksums

    Default: False         Value: True or false

    Specifies whether the use of checksums should be negotiated for a
    transport connection. This attribute is valid for protocol class
    4 only.

    set  [node node-id] osi transport template template-id -
         checksums boolean


    set osi transport template default checksums false

3  –  classes

    Default: {4}           Value: Bit-set

    Set of protocol classes that can be negotiated for use on a
    transport connection. If the value of the network service
    attribute is CLNS, the class must be a subset of the classes
    supported by the OSI transport attribute clns classes supported.
    If the value is CONS, the classes must be a subset of the
    classes supported by the OSI transport attribute cons classes
    supported. If the value of the network service attribute is ANY,
    the classes must be a subset of the combined classes in the clns
    classes supported and cons classes supported attributes.

    set  [node node-id] osi transport template template-id -
         classes {class[,class...]}


    set osi transport template osit$loop_cons  classes {0,2,4}

4  –  clns inactive area address (OpenVMS)

    Default: Empty set     Value: Set of area-address

    Specifies the inactive area address to be used by transport
    connections that use this template. This characteristic is
    relevant only for connections that use CLNS with Null Internet.
    The set must contain no more than one area address.

    set  [node node-id] osi transport template template-id -
         clns inactive area address {area-address}

5  –  cons_template

    Default: OSI Transport          Value: Simple-name

    Name of the X.25 Access module template to be used when
    establishing a network connection over the CONS. Used only when
    the value of the network service attribute is cons.

    set  [node node-id] osi transport template template-id -
         cons template simplename


    set osi transport template osit$loop_cons -
         cons template "OSI Transport"

6  –  cr_timeout

    Default: 30            Value for Tru64 UNIX: 1-(2 raised to the
                                                  power of 31 -1)

    Default: 30            Value for OpenVMS: 1-4294967295

    During connection establishment, the amount of time (in seconds)
    to wait for a response to a CR TPDU before assuming that
    the remote transport service provider will not respond. This
    attribute is valid for protocol classes 0 and 2 only.

    set  [node node-id] osi transport template template-id -
         cr timeout integer


    set osi transport template osit$loop_cons -
         cr timeout 30

7  –  er_timeout

    Default: 30            Value for Tru64 UNIX: 1-(2 raised to the
                                                  power of 31 -1)

    Default: 30            Value for OpenVMS: 1-4294967295

    The amount of time (in seconds) to wait for a response to an ER
    TPDU before disconnecting the network connection. This attribute
    is used for protocol classes 0 and 2 only.

    set  [node node-id] osi transport template template-id -
         er timeout integer


    set osi transport template osit$loop_cons -
         er timeout 30

8  –  expedited_data

    Default: True          Value: True or false

    Specifies whether use of the expedited data option should be
    negotiated for the transport connections. This attribute is not
    valid for protocol class 0.

    set  [node node-id] osi transport template template-id -
         expedited data boolean


    set osi transport template osit$loop_clns -
         expedited data true

9  –  extended_format

    Default: None          Value: True or false

    Specifies whether the use of extended TPDU format should be
    negotiated for the transport connections. Normal format gives
    7-bit sequence numbers and 4-bit credit fields; extended format
    gives 31-bit sequence numbers and 16-bit credit fields. This
    attribute is supported only for class 2 and class 4 protocols.

    set  [node node-id] osi transport template template-id -
         extended format boolean


    set osi transport template osit$loop_clns -
         extended format true

10  –  inbound (OpenVMS)

    Default: True          Value: True or false

    Indicates whether this template may be used as the template for
    an inbound transport connection. The algorithm of selection
    of the inbound template is different depending on the type of
    network service over which the transport connection is made.
    If an inbound template cannot be found for an inbound transport
    connection, then the template called DEFAULT will be selected as
    the default. For the CLNS network service, the inbound template
    selected is the first template found that has the Inbound
    attribute set to true, the Network Service attribute set to
    CLNS, and the CLNS Inactive Area Address attribute set to empty

    For the CLNS network service (using the inactive subset, that
    is, null internet), the incoming template selected is the first
    template found that has the Inbound attribute set to True, the
    Network Service attribute set to CLNS and the CLNS Inactive Area
    Address attribute matches the Inactive Area Address attribute
    of the Routing Circuit entity that the transport connection
    is using. For the CONS network service, the inbound template
    selected is the first template found that has the inbound
    attribute set to true, the network service attribute set to CONS
    and the CONS template attribute (that is, an X.25 Access template
    name) matches the name of the X.25 Access filter that was used to
    accept the inbound network connection.

    set  [node node-id] osi transport template template-id -
         inbound boolean


    set osi transport template osit$rfc1006 -
         inbound true

11  –  initial_retransmit_time

    Tru64 UNIX Default: 5        Tru64 UNIX Value: 1-(2 raised to the
                                                  power of 31 -1)

    OpenVMS Default: 5           OpenVMS Value: 1-4294967295

    Amount of time, in seconds, to wait for an acknowledgment before
    retransmitting the first TPDU over the transport connection.

    set  [node node-id] osi transport template template-id -
         initial retransmit time integer


    set osi transport template osit$loop_clns -
         initial retransmit time 5

12  –  keepalive_time

    Default: 60            Value: 1-16383

    Time (in seconds) to be used for the window timer. When the
    transport service provider has no TPDUs to send over a transport
    connection, it retransmits the last AK TPDU at the specified
    frequency to prevent expiration of the remote NSAP's inactivity
    timer. This attribute is valid for protocol class 4 only.

    set  [node node-id] osi transport template template-id -
         keepalive time integer


    set osi transport template osit$loop_clns -
         keepalive time 60

13  –  local_nsap

    Default: System dependent, determined    Value: NSAP address
             at run-time

    A local NSAP address to be used by default if one is not supplied
    across the service interface.

    set  [node node-id] osi transport template template-id -
         local nsap nsap-address

14  –  loopback (OpenVMS)

    Default: False         Value: True or false

    Specifies whether transport connections using this template are
    looped back locally in the transport layer.

    set  [node node-id] osi transport template template-id -
         loopback boolean


    set osi transport template osit$loop_clns -
         loopback true

15  –  maximum_nsdu_size

    Default: 2048          Value for Tru64 UNIX: 128-(2 raised to the
                                                    power of 32 -1)
    Default: 2048          Value for OpenVMS: 2048

    When operating over the CONS, the maximum NSDU size to use for
    transmit and receive buffers. Expressed as a number of octets.

    set  [node node-id] osi transport template template-id -
         maximum ndsu size integer


    set osi transport template osit$loop_clns -
         maximum ndsu size 2048

16  –  network priority (OpenVMS)

    Default:  0            Value:  0-255

    When operating over CLNS, indicates network priority encoded in
    NPDU header for all transmitted packets. It may be used by
    intermediate systems to assign the packets to queues of
    appropriate priority.

    set  [node node-id] osi transport template template-id -
         network priority integer


    set osi transport template osit$loop_clns -
         network priority 0

17  –  network_service

    Default: clns          Value: Any, clns, cons, or RFC1006

    Type of network service. On Tru64 UNIX, the default template
    network service cannot be set to any. The network service
    chosen must be compatible with the value of the protocol class

    any        Either
    clns       Connectionless Network Service
    cons       Connection-Oriented Network Service
    RFC1006    ISO Transport Service on top of TCP

    set  [node node-id] osi transport template template-id -
         network service service-type


    set osi transport template osit$rfc1006 -     ! OSI over TCP/IP
         network service rfc1006                  ! RFC1006

    set osi transport template osit$rfc1006plus - ! DECnet over TCP/IP
         network service rfc1006                  ! RFC1859 a.k.a.
                                                  ! RFC1006+

18  –  retransmit_threshold

    Default: 8             Value: 0-4294967295

    Number of times a TPDU requiring acknowledgment is to be
    retransmitted before it is assumed that network connectivity
    has failed. This attribute is valid for protocol class 4 only.

    set  [node node-id] osi transport template template-id -
         retransmit threshold integer


    set osi transport template osit$loop_clns -
         retransmit threshold 8

19  –  RFC1006 port number (OpenVMS)

    Default: 102          Value: TCP port number

    Specifies the TCP port number to use. Only applicable if the
    network service is RFC1006.

    set  [node node-id] osi transport template template-id -
         rfc1006 port number port-id


    set osi transport template osit$rfc1006 -     ! OSI over TCP/IP
         rfc1006 port number 102                  ! RFC1006

    set osi transport template osit$rfc1006plus - ! DECnet over TCP/IP
         rfc1006 port number 399                  ! RFC1859 a.k.a.
                                                  ! RFC1006+

20  –  security

    Default: Null value    Value: 00-FF

    An octet string to be transmitted in the security parameter of
    a CR or CC TPDU. A null value causes the security parameter to
    be omitted from the TPDU.

    set  [node node-id] osi transport template template-id -
         security octet-string


    set osi transport template default security %xFF

21  –  send_implementation_id

    Default: True          Value: True or false

    Indicates whether the implementation id should be sent in the CR if
    the proposed protocol class is 2 or 4. It is always returned in the
    CC if it is present in the CR.

    set  [node node-id] osi transport template template-id -
         send implementation id boolean


    set osi trans temp default send imp id true

22  –  send preferred maximum TPDU size

    Default: True 	 Value: True or false

    Indicates whether the preferred maximum TPDU size parameter should
    be sent in the CR TPDU.

    If the preferred maximum TPDU size parameter was present in the
    CR TPDU, then it indicates whether the preferred maximum TPDU
    size parameter should be sent in the CC TPDU.


    The default value of this characteristic should not be changed
    unless the remote implementation does not conform to ISO 8073.

    set  [node node-id] osi transport template template-id -
         send preferred maximum tpdu size boolean


    set osi trans temp default send pref max tpdu size true

23  –  send_request_acknowledgment

    Default: True 	    Value: True or false

    Indicates whether the request acknowledgment parameter should be
    sent in the CR TPDU.

    If the request acknowledgment parameter was present in the CR TPDU,
    then it indicates whether the request acknowledgment parameter
    should be sent in the CC TPDU.


    The default of this characteristic should not be changed unless the
    remote implementation does not conform to ISO 8073.

    set  [node node-id] osi transport template template-id -
         send request acknowledgement boolean


    set osi trans temp default send req ack true

24  –  use_clns_error_reports

    Default: False         Value: True or false

    Indicates whether the network Routing layer's error report
    facility should be used when performing connection establishment.
    If set to true, this may result in faster detection of an
    unreachable node at the time of connection establishment. This
    characteristic should not be set to true on an end system that
    is either dual-railed or connected to a network that has a high
    probability of duplication. This is valid only if network service
    equals clns.

    set  [node node-id] osi transport template template-id -
         use clns error reports boolean


    set osi trans temp osit$loop_clns use clns err rep true
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