NCLHELP.HLB  —  set  event_dispatcher

1  –  outbound_stream

    set  [node node-id] event dispatcher -
         outbound stream simple-name ...

    Modifies the attributes for the event dispatcher outbound stream
    entity, which represents an outgoing connection to a sink on a
    local or remote node.  The modifiable attributes and their data
    types [in brackets] are:

    catch all filter [action]
    connect retry timer [seconds]
    connect timer enabled [boolean]
    disconnect timer [seconds]
    sink address [sink-address-tower]
    sink end user [end-user-spec]
    sink node [full-name]
    sink object [full-name]
    template [simple-name] (Tru64 UNIX)

    Refer to attributes for specific command examples.

1.1  –  catch_all_filter

    Default: Pass          Value: Block or pass

    Action to take if neither the specific filter nor the global
    filter contains an entry that matches an event.

    block      Discard the event.

    pass       Report the event.

    set [node node-id] event dispatcher outbound stream stream-name -
        catch all filter block-or-pass


    set event dispatcher outbound stream local_stream -
        catch all filter pass

1.2  –  connect_retry_timer

    Default: 120           Value: 0-65535

    Number of seconds to wait after a disconnect or connection reject
    before reattempting a connection. Connection attempts continue
    until a connection is made or until the connect timer enabled
    attribute is set to false or the outbound stream is disabled.
    If the outbound stream is already connected to the sink when
    the timer expires, no connection is attempted at that time. The
    timer resets and connection attempts continue whenever the timer

    set [node node-id] event dispatcher outbound stream stream-name -
        connect retry timer integer


    set event dispatcher outbound stream local_stream -
        connect retry timer 130, connect timer enabled true

1.3  –  connect_timer_enabled

    Default: True          Value: True or false

    Specifies whether the connect timer is operational (see connect
    retry timer).

    set [node node-id] event dispatcher outbound stream stream-name -
        connect timer enabled boolean


    set event dispatcher outbound stream local_stream -
        connect retry timer 130, connect timer enabled true

1.4  –  disconnect_timer

    Default: 0; see        Value: 0-4294967295
    following description

    Number of seconds to wait before disconnecting an idle
    connection. Zero indicates that there is no disconnect timer
    and connections are never automatically disconnected.

    set [node node-id] event dispatcher outbound stream stream-name -
        disconnect timer integer


    set event dispatcher outbound stream local_stream -
        disconnect timer 4294967295

1.5  –  sink_address

    Default: No address    Value: Sink address tower set

    Sink address tower for this stream. Modifying this characteristic
    affects only subsequent connect requests; existing connections
    are unaffected.

    set [node node-id] event dispatcher outbound stream stream-name -
        sink address {towerset}

1.6  –  sink_end_user

    Default: Number = 82   Value: End-user specification

    Sink session control end user specification for this stream.

    set [node node-id] event dispatcher outbound stream stream-name -
        sink end user end-user-spec


    set event disp out stream local_stream sink end user number = 82

1.7  –  sink_node

    Default: Local node    Value: Full-name

    Full DNS node name of the sink for this stream. Modifying this
    characteristic affects only subsequent connect requests; existing
    connections are unaffected. This fullname is used in combination
    with the sink end user characteristic to establish the sink

    set [node node-id] event dispatcher outbound stream stream-name -
        sink node full-name


    set event disp out stream lamchp_stream sink node LOCAL:.LAMCHP

1.8  –  sink_object

    Default: No sink object       Value: Full-name

    Full DNS object name of the sink for this stream. Modifying this
    characteristic affects only subsequent connect requests; existing
    connections are unaffected. This fullname should match the object
    name characteristic of the target sink.

    set [node node-id] event dispatcher outbound stream stream-name -
        sink object full-name

1.9  –  template (Tru64 UNIX)

    Default: No template   Value: Simple name

    Transport template (see osi transport template) for this stream's

1.10  –  Exception Messages

 o  entity class not supported (OpenVMS)

    The Event Dispatcher is not registered with EMAA.  The NET$EVD
    process is probably not started.  For instructions on how to
    restart the Event Dispatcher, refer to

2  –  sink

    set  [node node-id] event dispatcher sink simple-name ...

    Modifies the attributes for an event dispatcher sink entity, which
    represents incoming connections and filters incoming events.  The
    modifiable attributes and their data types [in brackets] are:

    catch all filter [block-or-pass]
    client type [console-device-or-file]
    device name [latin1string]
    description [latin1string]
    file name [filespec]
    object name [full-name]
    template [simple-name] (Tru64 UNIX)
    user client [end-user-spec] (Tru64 UNIX)
    displayuids [boolean]

    Refer to attributes for specific command examples.

2.1  –  catch_all_filter

    Default: Pass          Value: Block or pass

    Specifies the action to take if neither the specific filter
    setting nor the global filter setting matches an event or if a
    filter setting that does match an event is set to Ignore.

    block    Discard the event.

    pass     Report the event.

    set [node node-id] event dispatcher sink sink-name -
        catch all filter block-or-pass


    set event dispatcher sink local_sink -
        catch all filter pass

2.2  –  client_type

    Specifies the application to accept the events received by the
    sink. This can only be set when the event dispatcher sink entity
    is disabled (when the sink state is off).

    console     Events go to the operator's console (OPCOM-OpenVMS).
                This is the default.

    device      Events go to a device (see the device name

    file        Events go to a file (see the file name

    set [node node-id] event dispatcher sink sink-name -
        client type sink-type


    set event dispatcher sink local_sink -
        client type file, -
        file name SYS$MANAGER:MYSINK.LOG

2.3  –  description

    Default: Null          Value: Latin1String

    Application description string.  On OpenVMS, this string must
    be embedded in quotes.

    set [node node-id] event dispatcher sink sink-name -
        description latin1string

2.4  –  device_name

    Default: Null          Value: Latin1String

    Name of the device to which events are going to be logged, if the
    client type of the sink is device.  On OpenVMS, this string must
    be embedded in quotes.

    set [node node-id] event dispatcher sink sink-name -
        device name latin1string

2.5  –  displayuids

    Default: True          Value: Boolean

    A boolean value indicating whether to include the UIDs when
    displaying an event.

    set [node node-id] event dispatcher sink sink-name -
        displayuids boolean


    set event dispatcher sink local_sink displayuids false

2.6  –  file_name

    Default for Tru64 UNIX:      Value: File specification

    Default for OpenVMS:         Value: File specification

    Name of the file to which events are going to be logged if the
    client type of the sink is file.

    set [node node-id] event dispatcher sink sink-name -
        file name file-name


    set event dispatcher sink local_sink -
        client type file, -
        file name SYS$MANAGER:MYSINK.LOG

2.7  –  object_name

    Default: No sink object       Value: Full-name

    Full DNS object name of the sink. Modifying this characteristic
    affects only subsequent connect requests; existing connections
    are unaffected.

    set [node node-id] event dispatcher sink sink-name -
        object name full-name

2.8  –  template (Tru64 UNIX)

    Default: No template   Value: Simple name

    Transport template (see the osi transport template entity) for
    this sink's connections.

2.9  –  user client (Tru64 UNIX)

    Default: Null          Value: End-user specification

    Session control end user specification for a user program that
    has been set to receive events.
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