NCLHELP.HLB  —  remove  x25_protocol

1  –  dte

    Modifies the Outgoing List attribute of a given X25 Protocol
    DTE instance to remove the specified range or ranges.

    remove  [node node-id] x25 protocol dte dte-name -
          outgoing list {range[,range...]}

    Outgoing List

    Default: [1...4095]    Value: Set of range (0-4095)

    Channel number ranges that define the LCNs that are available
    for calls on outgoing or two-way channels. Format the values to
    specify a set of channel number ranges. Each channel number is
    the concatenation of the logical channel group number and logical
    channel number of an SVC on the DTE.


    remove x25 protocol dte dte-0 outgoing list {[10..4095]}

2  –  group

    Modifies the Members attribute of a given X25 Protocol Group
    instance to remove the specified member record or records.

    remove  [node node-id] x25 protocol group group-name -
          members {record[,record...]}


    Default: No DTEs       Value: Set of records

    DTEs at a gateway system that make up the group. Format the
    values to specify a set of records. Each record consists of a
    name that identifies an X25 protocol dte entity and an integer
    (in the range 0 to 9999) that identifies the CUG number assigned
    by the network. If a DTE is already created and enabled and is
    then added to the set of members, it must be disabled and re-
    enabled to service the specified CUG number or BCUG.


    remove x25 protocol group group1 -
          members {[dte = dte-1, index = 4444], -
                   [dte = dte-0, index = 8787]}
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