NCLHELP.HLB  —  load  mop  circuit
    Initiates a downline load from the system specified by node-id to
    a target system specified by the arguments or by a client.
    Circuit-name specifies the name of the circuit over which the load
    operation is to occur.

    load  [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -
          address lan-address, -
          system image filespec [,optional arguments...]

    The Address and System Image arguments are required for LAN circuits.
    If those arguments are not supplied in the command, then the Client
    argument must be specified so the required information can be
    obtained from the MOP Client database.

    load  [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -
          client client-name [,optional arguments...]

    Optional arguments for the load mop circuit command are:  management
    image, script file, secondary loader, tertiary loader, and

1  –  address

    Address is the LAN address of the remote system on that circuit.
    The Address and System Image arguments are required for LAN
    circuits.  If you do not supply this information in the command,
    you must specify a Client in the MOP Client database which can
    provide that information.

    load  [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -
          address lan-address, -
          system image filespec [,optional arguments...]

    Optional arguments for the load mop circuit command are:
    management image, script file, secondary loader, tertiary
    loader, and verification.


    load mop circ csmacd-1 address 08-00-2B-13-FD-0A, -
          system image SH1601ENG.SYS

    load mop circ fddi-1 address 08-00-2b-0f-a8-dc, -
          system image "@net$niscs_laa($1$dua0:<sys16.>)"

2  –  client

    Client-name is the client entity to be used for this load
    operation.  The default information for this client is obtained
    from the MOP Client database.  Address and System Image
    information for this client must be present in the database if
    it is not provided on the command line.

    load  [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -
          client client-name [,optional arguments...]

    Optional arguments for the load mop circuit command are:
    management image, script file, secondary loader, tertiary
    loader, and verification.


    load mop circuit csmacd-1 client lamchp

3  –  management_image

    Management Image is an optional argument which can be used if
    a file containing initialization data for the node is required by
    the target system.  Data is encoded in a product-specific format.

    Address and System Image information is required for the load mop
    circuit command; that information must be obtainable either from
    the command line or from the MOP Client database.

    To override any default Management Image information for this
    Client in the MOP Client database:

    load  [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -
          client client-name, -
          management image filespec


    load mop circuit csmacd-1 client lamchp, -
          management image MGMT.IMAGE

4  –  script_file

    The optional Script File argument specifies a file containing
    initialization data for the node; data is encoded as a sequence
    of network management commands in CMIP form. This argument may be
    required by the target system.

    Address and System Image information is required for the load mop
    circuit command; that information must be obtainable either from
    the command line or from the MOP Client database.

    To override any default Script File information for this
    Client in the MOP Client database:

    load  [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -
          client client-name, -
          script file filespec


    load mop circuit csmacd-1 client lamchp, script file SCRIPT.FILE

5  –  secondary_loader

    The optional Secondary Loader argument specifies the name of a
    second file containing the software to be downline loaded. This
    argument may be required by the target system.

    Address and System Image information is required for the load mop
    circuit command; that information must be obtainable either from
    the command line or from the MOP Client database.

    To override any default Secondary Loader information for this
    Client in the MOP Client database:

    load  [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -
          client client-name, -
          secondary loader filespec


    load mop circuit csmacd-1 client lamchp, -
          secondary loader sys$system:secondary_vmb.exe

6  –  system_image

    System Image specifies the file containing the system image to be
    downline loaded. The System Image and Address arguments are
    required for LAN circuits.  If you do not supply this information
    in the command, you must specify a Client in the MOP Client
    database which can provide that information.

    load  [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -
          system image filespec, -
          address lan-address [,optional arguments...]

    Optional arguments for the load mop circuit command are:
    management image, script file, secondary loader, tertiary
    loader, and verification.


    load mop circ csmacd-1 system image SH1601ENG.SYS, -
          address 08-00-2B-13-FD-0A

    load mop circ fddi-1 -
          system image "@net$niscs_laa($1$dua0:<sys16.>)", -
          address 08-00-2b-0f-a8-dc

7  –  tertiary_loader

    The optional Tertiary Loader argument specifies the name of a
    third file containing the software to be downline loaded. This
    argument may be required by the target system.

    Address and System Image information is required for the load
    mop circuit command; that information must be obtainable either
    from the command line or from the MOP Client database.

    To override any default Tertiary Loader information for this
    Client in the MOP Client database:

    load  [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -
          client client-name, -
          tertiary loader filespec


    load mop circuit csmacd-1 client lamchp, -
          tertiary loader sys$system:tertiary_vmb.exe

8  –  verification

    The optional Verification argument specifies the string that must
    match a verification code at the receiving system in order for the
    load to be performed.  The value must be an even number of digits
    from 2 to 16.  The default verification is '0000000000000000'H.

    Address and System Image information is required for the load mop
    circuit command; that information must be obtainable either from
    the    command line or from the MOP Client database.

    To override any default Verification information for this Client
    in the MOP Client database:

    load  [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -
          client client-name, -
          verification hex-string


    load mop circuit csmacd-1 client lamchp, -
          verification %x0000000000000011

9  –  Exception Messages

 o  data link error

    An error was reported by the Data Link layer on the load command.

 o  unrecognized client

    There is no client with the specified identification.

 o  unrecognized circuit

    There is no circuit with the specified identification.

 o  required argument omitted

    Both the Address and System Image arguments are required.  If
    they are not present in the command line, then a Client must be
    specified which can provide that information.

 o  entity class not supported (OpenVMS)

    MOP is not registered with EMAA.  The NET$MOP process is
    probably not started.  For instructions on how to restart the
    MOP process, refer to HELP NETWORK_MANAGEMENT MOP.
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