NCLHELP.HLB  —  enable  event_dispatcher, relay
    Transitions the event dispatcher relay entity into the "on" state
    and automatically causes three event dispatcher relay logging
    subentities (console, file, and monitor) to be created and enabled.

    enable  [node node-id] event dispatcher relay

1  –  logging

    enable  [node node-id] event dispatcher -
          relay logging logging-entity

    Three event dispatcher relay logging entities are created
    and enabled automatically whenever an event dispatcher
    relay entity is enabled.  The logging entities (console,
    file, and monitor) control the destination of Phase IV
    events.  Each logging entity can be disabled and reenabled
    individually.  All three logging entities are deleted
    automatically when the Phase IV relay entity is disabled.


    enable event dispatcher relay logging console

    enable event dispatcher relay logging file

    enable event dispatcher relay logging monitor
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