NCLHELP.HLB  —  enable  ddcmp (OpenVMS VAX)

1  –  link

    Transitions a ddcmp link entity to the on state.  The ddcmp link
    entity defines the attributes of a link to a communications port
    that uses DDCMP.

    enable  [node node-id] ddcmp link link-name


    enable ddcmp link ddcmp-0

1.1  –  Exception Messages

 o  device constraint

    The value of an attribute is not supported by the type of device
    used on the communications line. Modify the attribute to a
    suitable value, and retry the operation.

 o  open physical port failed

    The opening of the port in the Physical layer failed. The
    exception includes an argument that gives more information about
    the failure.

1.2  –  logical_station

    Sets the specified logical station associated with a
    particular ddcmp link entity to the "on" operational

    enable  [node node-id] ddcmp link link-name -
            logical station station-name


    enable ddcmp link ddcmp-0 logical station ddcmp-0
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