NCLHELP.HLB  —  delete  dns

1  –  clerk

    delete [node node-id] dns clerk

    Deletes the DECdns clerk on the specified node. You must disable a
    clerk before you delete it (see the disable command). You can also
    enter this command through the dns$control utility.

    You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (OpenVMS systems) or
    superuser privileges (Tru64 Unix systems).

1.1  –  known_namespace

    delete [node node-id] dns clerk -
       known namespace namespace-ident

    Removes a namespace from a specified clerk's list of known
    namespaces.  The namespace-identifier is required. You
    can use one of the following:

    name    The name of the namespace. The name argument may
            be different from the nickname if the nickname is

    nscts   The value of the namespace creation timestamp
            (NSCTS) assigned to the specified namespace when
            it was created. The format is 14 pairs of hex
            digits (xx-xx).

    You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (OpenVMS
    systems) or superuser privileges (Tru64 Unix systems).


    You are not permitted to delete the known namespace that
    is currently the default namespace (that is, the one shown
    by show dns clerk default namespace).

    The following command removes the namespace with the name
    jns from the clerk's list of known namespaces.

    delete dns clerk known namespace jns

1.2  –  manual_nameserver

    delete [node node-id] dns clerk -
       manual nameserver name

    Removes the knowledge of a server that exists across a WAN
    from the local clerk's cache.  You can also enter this
    command through the dns$control utility.

    You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (OpenVMS
    systems) or superuser privileges (Tru64 Unix systems).

    The following command removes knowledge of server nrl from the
    clerk cache on node .mfg.umbriel:

    delete node .mfg.umbriel dns clerk manual nameserver nrl

2  –  server

    delete [node node-id] dns server

    Deletes the DECdns server on the specified node and reclaims all
    server resources except clearinghouses, which remain. You must
    disable a server before you can delete it. You can also enter
    this command through the dns$control utility.

    You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (OpenVMS
    systems) or superuser privileges (Tru64 Unix systems).

    The following command deletes the DECdns server from node

    delete node .mfg.polaris dns server

2.1  –  clearinghouse

    delete [node node-id] dns server clearinghouse clearinghouse-name

    Deletes a clearinghouse on the specified node. You must disable a
    clearinghouse before you can delete it. You can also enter this
    command through the dns$control utility.  This command also
    automatically deletes all read-only replicas from the
    clearinghouse when executed.  DECdns does not permit you to
    delete a clearinghouse that contains a master replica.

    You must have delete access to the directories in the clearinghouse
    as well as to the clearinghouse.

    You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (OpenVMS
    systems) or superuser privileges (Tru64 Unix systems).

    The following command deletes a clearinghouse named .sales.ny_ch
    from the node .sales.orion.

    delete node .sales.orion dns server clearinghouse .sales.ny_ch
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