NCLHELP.HLB  —  create  x25 client (OpenVMS)
    Creates an X.25 client module which describes the X.25 client
    interface in an accessing system, through which X.25 clients gain
    access to a PSDN via an X.25 server in a gateway system.  For
    information about the X25 Client entity, refer to HELP ENTITY

    create  [node node-id] x25 client
             [maximum session connections integer]
             [,incoming session template simple-name]

    The Maximum Session Connections and Incoming Session Template
    arguments are optional.

1  –  maximum_session_connections

    Maximum number of concurrent Session Control connections that can
    be supported by the X.25 Client module. This argument determines
    the value of the maximum session connections characteristic. If
    not specified, the implementation-specific default value of the
    characteristic maximum session connections is used.

2  –  incoming_session_template

    The Session Control template specified for an open/incoming
    connection at the end-user Session Control interface.
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