NCLHELP.HLB  —  create  x25_access
    Creates the X.25 Access module on the system.  The Maximum Active
    Ports argument is optional.  It specifies the maximum number of
    ports that can be created on this system.

    create  [node node-id] x25 access [maximum active ports integer]

    For more information about the X.25 Access entity and its
    subentities, refer to HELP ENTITY X25_ACCESS.

1  –  application

    Creates an X.25 Access Application entity instance which defines an
    application to be executed for an incoming call.

    create  [node node-id] x25 access application application-name


    create x25 access application X29_LOGIN

    create X25 access application X25_MAIL

    create X25 access application APPLICATION_0

2  –  dte_class

    Creates an X25 access dte class entity which defines a named class of
    DTEs which is a group of local DTEs or a group of DTEs on a remote
    gateway system.

    create  [node node-id] x25 access dte class class-name -
            type local-or-remote
            [,profile profile-name] (Tru64 UNIX)

    Type is a required argument.  Profile is an optional Tru64
    UNIX argument used to supply default values for the X.121 mapping
    attribute in this entity.


    create x25 access dte class dte-0 type local

    create x25 access dte class AUSTPAC type local

    create x25 access dte class REMOTE-CLASS-0 type remote

3  –  filter

    Creates an X.25 access filter entity which defines the criteria by
    which the destination of an incoming call is determined.

    create  [node node-id] x25 access filter filter-name


    create x25 access filter FILTER_0

4  –  reachable_address

    Creates an X.25 access reachable address entity which maps a
    destination network service access point (NSAP) address in an
    outgoing call to a DTE class/DTE address pair.

    create [node node-id] x25 access -
            reachable address address-name -
            address prefix address-prefix

    The Address Prefix argument is required.  It is the leading
    substring of an NSAP address associated with this reachable
    address entity.


    create x25 access reachable address x121 address prefix 37

4.1  –  Exception Messages

 o  address prefix not unique

    A reachable address with the specified prefix already exists.

5  –  security_dte_class

    Creates an X.25 access security dte class entity which is used to
    control inbound and outbound calls.

    create  [node node-id] x25 access -
            security dte class class-name

5.1  –  remote_dte

    Creates an X.25 access security dte class remote dte instance
    which is a collection of access control attributes that
    control inbound calls from and outbound calls to a set of
    remote DTEs.

    create  [node node-id] x25 access -
            security dte class class-name -
            remote dte dte-name -
            remote address prefix dte-address-prefix

    The Remote Address Prefix argument is required.  It is a
    leading substring of a DTE address associated with this
    remote address entity. Wildcards can be used in the address


    create x25 access -
           security dte class Default remote dte remdte-0 -
           remote address prefix 9876*

6  –  security_filter

    Creates an X.25 access security filter entity which is a
    collection of access control attributes that control access
    to one or more filters.

    create [node node-id] x25 access security filter filter-name


    create x25 access security filter APPL_APPLICATION_0

7  –  template

    Creates an X.25 access template entity which is used to
    supply default values for call parameters when an outgoing
    call is made.  Values in a template can be overridden by
    user-supplied values.

    create  [node node-id] x25 access template template-name


    create x25 access template TEMPLATE-0
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