NCLHELP.HLB  —  create  modem_connect
     Creates the Modem Connect module.  For more information about this
     entity and its subentities, refer to HELP ENTITY MODEM_CONNECT.

     create  [node node-id] modem connect

     Select line for information on creating modem connect line

1  –  Exception Messages

 o   Already exists

     A modem connect module already exists on the specified node.

2  –  line

    Creates an instance of the modem connect line entity.  This
    modem connect line entity is associated with a physical circuit on
    the node.  Usually, there is one line entity for each circuit.
    Line-name is a simplename that identifies this modem connect line

    create  [node node-id] modem connect line line-name -
             communication port port-name [,optional arguments...]

    The required Communications Port argument specifies the name of
    the communications port to which the communications line is

    The optional arguments for the create modem connect line command
    are:  communications mode, duplex, connection type (Tru64 UNIX),
    profile, and rate select (OpenVMS).


    create modem connect line DSY-0-0 -
         communication port DSY-0-0

    create modem connect line DDCMP-0 -
         communication port DMB-0-0, -
         communications mode synchronous, duplex full

    create modem connect line dsv-0 -
         communication port DSV-0-0, -
         profile "NORMAL"

2.1  –  communications_mode

    The optional Communications Mode argument specifies the
    communications method used on the link.  Possible comm-mode
    values are:  asynchronous and synchronous.  The default
    value is taken from the device capability.  If that is
    unknown, the default is synchronous.


    create modem connect line DSY-0-0 -
         communication port DSY-0-0, -
         communications mode synchronous

2.2  –  connection type (Tru64 UNIX)

    The optional Connection Type argument specifies the type of
    connection.  Possible conn-type values are: nonswitched and
    switched.  The default value is taken from the device
    capability. If this is unknown, the default is switched.

2.3  –  duplex

    The optional Duplex argument specifies whether the line
    is full or half duplex.  Possible duplex-type values are:

    full      The line has full-duplex capabilities.

    half      The line has only half-duplex capabilities.

    The default value is taken from the device capability.
    If that is unknown, the default is full.


    create modem connect line DDCMP-0 -
         communication port DMB-0-0, duplex full

2.4  –  profile

    The optional Profile attribute specifies the name of a
    local profile to be used with the line. Specify the name
    as a latin1string.  On OpenVMS, you must include the profile
    name in quotes.


    create modem connect line dsv-0 -
         communication port DSV-0-0, -
         profile "NORMAL"

2.5  –  rate select (OpenVMS)

    The optional Rate Select argument specifies which of the
    line rates is to be used if none is specified when a call
    is set up.

    high    The value of the "speed" characteristic is used.
            This is the default.

    low     The value of the "alternate speed" characteristic
            is used.


    create modem connect line DSY-0-0 -
         communication port DSY-0-0, -
         rate select low

2.6  –  Exception Messages

 o  already exists

    A modem connect line entity with the specified name already
    exists on the specified node.

 o  communications port in use

    Another entity has reserved the communications port specified in
    the command. Check that you specified the correct port. Reissue
    the command specifying another port or modify the other entity to
    use a different port.
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