NCLHELP.HLB  —  create  dns

1  –  clerk

    create [node node-id] dns clerk

    Creates a dns clerk on the specified node. You can also enter this
    command through the dns$control utility.  This command should not
    normally be executed outside of the DECnet startup procedure.

    You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (OpenVMS
    systems) or superuser privileges (Tru64 Unix systems).

1.1  –  known_namespace

    create [node node-id] dns clerk -
         known namespace namespace-ident -
         nscts namespace-creation-timestamp

    Adds a namespace to the list of namespaces cached by a
    specified DECdns clerk.  This is useful for defining
    namespaces the clerk does not learn about automatically
    from advertisements on a local area network.  The simple
    name you supply in as the namespace-ident becomes both
    name and nickname.  If the name you supply conflicts with
    an existing name or nickname, this command is rejected.
    You can also enter this command through the dns$contol

    You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (OpenVMS
    systems) or superuser privileges (Tru64 Unix systems).

    The following example adds the namespace with the name jns
    and NSCTS value of 08-00-2B-0D-C0-9D-CD-3B-C6-16-EC-3B-94-00
    to the list of namespaces cached by the local clerk:

    create dns clerk known namespace jns -
        NSCTS 08-00-2B-0D-C0-9D-CD-3B-C6-16-EC-3B-94-00

1.2  –  manual_nameserver

    create [node node-id] dns clerk -
        manual nameserver name tower towerset

    Creates knowledge in the local clerk's cache about a server
    that exists across a wide area network (WAN). It gives the
    clerk the information it needs to contact the server across
    a WAN and cache the other information that the clerk needs
    to communicate with that server.  You can also enter this
    command through the dns$control utility.

    You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (OpenVMS
    systems) or superuser privileges (Tru64 Unix systems).


    You should not normally enter this command from ncl or
    dns$control. You can use the dns$configure configuration
    program to accomplish what this command does.

    The following example informs the clerk on node
    .mfg.umbriel about the existence of the server nrl:

    create node .mfg.umbriel dns clerk -
      manual nameserver nrl -
      tower {([ DNA_OSInetwork , 49::00-04:AA-00-04-00-6A-11:20 ])}

2  –  server

    create [node node-id] dns server

    Creates a server on the specified node. The server software
    must be installed on the target node. You can also enter this
    command through the dns$control utility.  This command should not
    normally be executed outside of the DECnet startup procedure.

    You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (OpenVMS
    systems) or superuser privileges (Tru64 Unix systems).

2.1  –  clearinghouse

    create [node node-id] dns server -
       clearinghouse clearinghouse-name [,optional arguments...]

    Creates a clearinghouse on the specified node. You can specify
    the directory version, the initial replica to be stored in the
    clearinghouse, and the filename. This command is useful after
    moving a clearinghouse or if you have moved the clearinghouse
    file. You can also enter this command through the dns$control

    The account executing the command needs write access to the
    directory in which you want to name the clearinghouse.  This
    access must be propagated to all members of the directory's
    replica set before you enter this command.  Otherwise, the
    command fails.

    You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (OpenVMS
    systems) or superuser privileges (Tru64 Unix systems).


    This command is normally executed only by the DECdns
    configuration program during the configuration of a DECdns
    server in an existing namespace.  You should use this command
    only to re-create a clearinghouse whose database files are
    relocated on another server system.

    The following example creates a clearinghouse named
    .sales.ny_ch on node .sales.orion.

    create node .sales.orion dns server -
       clearinghouse .sales.ny_ch

2.1.1  –  new_directory_version

    The new directory version optional argument specifies
    the DECdns version number the new directories will
    have at this clearinghouse. Specify the version-number
    as Vx.y.z, where x defines the major release number,
    y specifies the minor version number, and z specifies
    an ECO level. This argument is optional. Set the value to
    V1.0.0 if you intend to create DNS Version 1 directories.
    Set it to  V2.0.0 to create only DECdns Version 2
    directories. If you omit this argument, the default
    is V2.0.0.

2.1.2  –  initial_replica

    The initial replicate optional argument specifies the
    full name of the first directory replica to store in the
    clearinghouse.  If you omit this argument, the parent
    directory of this clearinghouse becomes the initial

2.1.3  –  file

    A file specification that will contain the clearinghouse.
    This argument, which is optional, is useful if you have
    moved an existing clearinghouse and do not want new
    default names to be generated automatically. On Tru64 Unix
    systems, the default is /var/dss/dns. On OpenVMS systems,
    the default is the default directory for the DNS$SERVER
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