NCLHELP.HLB  —  create  device
    Creates the Device module.  For more information about this
    entity and its subentities, refer to HELP ENTITY DEVICE.

    create  [node node-id] device

    Select unit for information on creating a device unit subentity.

1  –  Exception Messages

 o  already exists

    A device module already exists.

2  –  unit

    Creates an instance of a device unit entity, which controls the
    loading and dumping of microcode for a specific communications

    create  [node node-id] device unit devunit-name -
            name device-name

    Name is a required argument which specifies the physical device
    this device unit entity controls.  Devunit-name is the
    simplename which identifies this device unit instance.


    create device unit device-0 name DSV-0
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