NCLHELP.HLB  —  add  osi_transport
    The add command can be used to modify the following attributes of
    the OSI Transport module:  cons nsap addresses, cons filters,
    rfc1006 listener ports, or rfc1006 listener ipaddresses.  For more
    information on those commands select the appropriate attribute.

    Select template for the add command that modifies the classes of
    an osi transport template.

1  –  cons_nsap_addresses

    Modifies the CONS NSAP Addresses attribute of the OSI Transport
    entity to include at least the specified NSAP or NSAPs.

    add  [node node-id] osi transport -
          cons nsap addresses {nsap[,nsap...]}

    CONS NSAP Addresses is a set of the valid NSAP addresses for use
    with CONS.  One or more NSAPs must be specified to run COTS over
    CONS.  See the DECnet-Plus Planning Guide for more information.

2  –  cons_filters

    Modifies the CONS Filters attribute of the OSI Transport entity to
    include at least the specified filter name or names.

    add  [node node-id] osi transport -
          cons filters {simplename[,simplename...]}

    This CONS Filters attribute specifies the set of X.25 Access module
    filters used to determine which inbound network connection requests
    should be directed to the transport entity.  You can modify this
    characteristic only when the entity is disabled.

    For each CONS Filter, there must be a corresponding X25 Access
    Template with the same name.  One or more of these filters must
    be specified in order to run COTS over CONS.  The X.25 access
    filter named "OSI Transport" is typically used.


    add node remnod osi transport cons filters -
        {"OSI Transport"}

3  –  template

    Modifies the Classes attribute of the specified OSI Transport
    Template instance to include at least the specified class or

    add  [node node-id] osi transport template template-id -
          classes {class[,class...]}

    The Classes attribute is a set of protocol classes that can be
    negotiated for use on a transport connection.  If the value of
    the Network Service attribute is CLNS, the class must be a subset
    of the classes supported by the OSI Transport attribute CLNS
    Classes Supported.  If the value is CONS, the classes must be
    a subset of the classes supported by the OSI Transport attribute
    CONS Classes Supported.  If the value of the Network Service
    attribute is ANY, the classes must be a subset of the combined
    classes in the CLNS Classes Supported and CONS Classes
    supported attributes.


    add node remnod osi transport -
          template osit$loop_cons classes {0,2,4}

4  –  rfc1006 listener ports (OpenVMS)

    Modifies the RFC1006 Listener Ports attribute of the OSI Transport
    entity to include at least the port or ports specified.

    add  [node node-id] osi transport -
          RFC1006 listener ports {port[,port...]}

    The RFC1006 Listener Ports attribute set contains the names of the
    TCP listener ports used to receive inbound RFC 1006 connection
    requests.  Port 102 is applicable for RFC 1006 (OSI over TCP/IP)
    connections, and port 399 is applicable for RFC 1859 (DECnet over
    TCP/IP) connections.  You can only remove RFC1006 Listener Ports
    when the entity is disabled.


    add node remnod osi transport RFC1006 listener -
          ports {102, 399}

5  –  rfc1006 listener ipaddresses (OpenVMS)

    Modifies the RFC1006 Listener IPAddresses attribute of the OSI Transport
    entity to include at least the IP Addresses specified.

    add  [node node-id] osi transport -
          RFC1006 listener ipaddresses {ipaddr[,ipaddr...]}

    The RFC1006 Listener IPAddresses attribute set contains the names of the
    IP Addresses of the interfaces used to receive inbound RFC 1006 connection
    requests.  This is applicable for both RFC 1006 (OSI over TCP/IP)
    connections, as well as for RFC 1859 (DECnet over TCP/IP) connections.
    You can only remove RFC1006 Listener IPAddresses when the entity is disabled.


    add node remnod osi transport RFC1006 listener -
          ipaddresses {a.b.c.d,w.x.y.z}
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