NCLHELP.HLB  —  NCL Introduction, Output
    The output of NCL commands varies somewhat depending upon the
    operating system.

1  –  Tru64 UNIX

    After you enter a command, the system responds with a display
    that includes a summary of the command you entered, the UID
    of the entity (if enabled) referred to in the command, and a
    timestamp showing when the output was gathered or the command
    executed. With some commands (for example, show), the output
    also includes a display of certain values.

    Some of the timestamps displayed during ncl show commands are
    returned with a value of undefined for some entities. This
    indicates that the condition that causes the attribute to be
    timestamped has not occurred yet.

    The following is an example of a typical show display:

    ncl>show session control application fal all chara
    Node 0 Session Control Application fal
    AT 1994-02-21-14:54:01.609-05:00I0.137


          {    number=17               =
        Incoming Proxy                 = True
        Node Synonym                   = False
        Image Name                     = /usr/etc/fal
        User Name                      = guest
        Incoming OSI TSEL              =''H
        Data Abstraction               = Message
        Accept Mode                    = Deferred
        Programming Interface          = Phase IV
        Maximum Instances              = 0
        Allow DECnet Internet Gateway Access  = True

    Exception messages

    If a command does not complete successfully, you can get one or
    more exception or error messages. There are three categories of
    error displays:

    o  Errors caused by incorrect command syntax. In these errors,
       NCL issues the error message immediately and does not send the
       command to the entity itself. For example:

       # ncl show tree all

       SYNTAX ERROR: No match was found for this string.

       show tree all
       ____ ^

    o  Validation errors, in which NCL accepts the command syntax
       as valid, but subsequently returns an error message when the
       command violates a constraint or rule. For example:

       # ncl set routing probe rate = 0

       RANGE ERROR: The minimum value for this attribute is 1.

       set routing probe range = 0
       _________________________ ^
       In this case, the value 0 was outside the allowable range of
       values for this attribute. NCL detected this after it had parsed
       the command, but before it had issued the command to the entity.

    o  Errors returned from the remote entity's agent. In these
       errors, NCL was able to interpret the command, but was unable
       to perform it for some reason. For example:

       Node 0 CSMA-CD
       AT 1994-10-06-15:35:14.069-04:00I0.301

       DUE TO: Error specific to this entity's class
       REASON: Already Exists
       Description: Already Exists

       A response returned from the remote agent will be displayed
       with an AT time stamp. See Appendix A of the DECnet-Plus Network
       Control Language Reference for more information on responses.

    Adjusting the Display Format

    Use the following local commands to adjust the display format.

    To define how far over the values can be indented (default=34),
    use the commands:

    ncl> set ncl name display width = 50
    ncl> show ncl name display width

    To control whether or not dots are filled in between the attribute
    name and its value (for example, state ..... = On), use the

    ncl> enable ncl dots
    ncl> disable ncl dots

    To control whether counters are displayed left justified or right
    justified, use the commands:

    ncl> set ncl counter justification =  left
    ncl> set ncl counter justification =  right

    To determine if backtranslation will be done or not, use the

    ncl> enable ncl backtranslation
    ncl> disable ncl backtranslation

    The page width is used to intelligently wrap error messages and to
    decide if the snapshot display will require 1 line or 2 lines per
    counter. Normally, NCL tracks the page width automatically. To
    override the value if necessary, use the commands:

    ncl> set ncl page width = 50
    ncl> show ncl page width

    When NCL is processing an NCL script, use the following commands
    to determine if each command should be echoed before it is executed:

    ncl> enable ncl command echo
    ncl> disable ncl command echo

2  –  OpenVMS

    After you enter a command, the system responds with a display
    that includes a summary of the command you entered, the UID
    of the entity (if enabled) referred to in the command, and
    a timestamp showing when the command was executed. On some
    commands, (for example, show), the output also includes a display
    of certain values.

    The following is an example of a typical show command and the
    resulting display:

    NCL> show nsp all <Return>

    Node 0 NSP
    AT 1992-06-03-10:35:12.234-04:00I0.277


        UID                               = 9AF8477A-407E-11CB-...
        State                             = On
        Currently Active Connections      = 14


        Maximum Transport Connections     = 200
        Maximum Receive Buffers           = 2000
        Delay Weight                      = 3
        Delay Factor                      = 2
        Maximum Window                    = 8
        DNA Version                       = T4.2.1
        Acknowledgement Delay Time        = 3
        Maximum Remote NSAPS              = 201
        NSAP Selector                     = 32
        Keepalive Time                    = 60
        Retransmit Threshold              = 5
        Congestion Avoidance              = False

    A command that executes appropriately and completes its assigned
    task produces a Success Response. Success Responses are not
    documented in the command description sections of this manual
    unless the Success Response contains arguments or the response
    indicates that something other than the expected action has

    If a command does not complete successfully, you can get one or
    more exception or error messages. There are three categories of
    error returns for NCL commands:

    o  OpenVMS NCL error messages; that is, errors that occur at the
       level where OpenVMS is processing NCL commands.

    o  Common NCL exception messages; that is, errors that occur
       within NCL and which apply to more than one command.

    o  Command-specific exception messages, which are described with
       the commands that can produce them.

    Each command description in this manual includes at least one
    example that shows a typical successful command with possible
    resulting output.

3  –  Displaying UIDs

    Any entity that has counters or generates events is assigned a
    unique identification (UID) value. A UID is a 16-byte entity
    attribute that is unique throughout the network and for all time;
    that is, because the creation time of the entity is included as a
    portion of the UID, no two identical UIDs will ever be created.

    A UID identifies a unique instance of an entity. For network
    management, UIDs provide a guaranteed way to track the
    characteristics and status of that precise entity instance. Each
    entity having counter attributes also has a creation timestamp
    identifying, simply, when the entity was created.

    The UID is included in any response or event from an entity that
    has a UID. Any entity that generates events or has counters must
    have a UID, which is also visible as a status attribute.

    Both the UID and the creation timestamp are included in any event
    logging report that returns one or more counters in its argument

    By default on Tru64 UNIX, UID values are not displayed.  The UID
    value for an entity is not always needed and can clutter a show
    display or an event-logging report.  Use the enable ncl uid display
    command if you wish to see this attribute.  To turn UID displays
    back off, type disable ncl uid display.
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